Wed. Dailey Mail

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Happy HUMP Day!
We’re half way through the week, and halfway through the month too! It’s the perfect time to assess your goals for the month and determine where your efforts are on track, and where they are falling short. No one stays perfectly on target towards our goals 100% of the time. A little flexibility needs to be in the equation for those bumps in the road. The important thing is to not let the bumps in the road throw you so far off course that you just quit on the goal all together. Remember WHY you set the goal in the first place, and remember that every day is a new day to recommit to that “WHY”.
The Dailey LEG CRAMP Tip: TOMATO JUICE! At least one in five peo­ple reg­u­larly strug­gle with leg cramps. The cul­prit? More often potas­sium defi­cien­cies are to blame, which occur when this min­eral is flushed out by diuret­ics, caf­feinated bev­er­ages or heavy per­spi­ra­tion dur­ing exer­cise. But sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily and you’ll not only speed your recov­ery, you’ll reduce your risk of painful cramp flare-ups in as lit­tle as 10 days, according to researchers. (Maybe this is why Bloody Mary’s are so popular the when the brain is cramping from “the night before”!)
CLASS UPDATE: Functional Fitness tonight at 6pm! Meet in the room, but prepare to be OUTSIDE across the street at Page!!! If you are late, we’ll likely be to the right of the front entrance to the school, in the horseshoe drive-closest to the Page gym. Hustle over there so you don’t miss out!
YOU are EXTRAordinary!!!

p.s. your Dailey thought…”The difference between a goal and a dream is a deadline.” ~Steve Smith