7 Reasons to Hit the Gym in the AM

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For a rare few, mornings are the best time of the day. The birds are chirping, the sun is rising, and this the new day is invigorating. For the rest of the world, however, pushing out of bed and into the world of consciousness is no easy task. However, if you’ve wanted to take your lifestyle to the next level of healthiness, the snooze button needs to go.

Wondering why you should kick your snooze button to the curb and get to the gym first thing in the morning? Here are 7 solid reasons…

Reason #1 To Hit The Gym in the AM: You’re in a Healthy Headspace

When the first thing you do with your day is exercise, it does something to your mental state. Instead of thoughtlessly taking a bite of high-carb, high-sugar, low-energy food during the day, you’re very conscious about what you put into your body. After all, you woke up early to get this body in tip-top shape. No reason to waste your early-morning routine. On top of better food choices, you’re more likely to find opportunities to take a quick walk during the day when you start your day out right.

Reason #2 To Hit The Gym in the AM: You’ll Need Less Caffeine

Feel like you spend most of your day traveling from your desk to the coffee machine? Get up earlier and work out and watch your need for liquid energy decrease. Sure, you may still enjoy a cup or two—you may even need a cup on the way to the gym, but hitting the gym early in the morning will give you an added boost of energy and mental clarity without caffeine.

Reason #3 To Hit The Gym in the AM: You’ll Have Privacy

Spend much time working out at lunchtime, and you know how frustrating it is to wait around for a weight machine or treadmill. Want to use every minute in the gym to push your body to its limit? Then stop waiting for the bench by getting in when everyone else is fast asleep. As an added perk, you won’t have to avoid that guy who always wants to talk when you’re trying to focus on your next rep. He’ll be in dreamland, far away from the gym.

Reason #4 To Hit The Gym in the AM: You’re Ready for Work

On top of being more health-minded, you’ll find yourself feeling more confident after an early-morning workout. Big client flying in for a meeting? No problem. You just conquered a pre-dawn workout, showered all your sweat off, and ate a healthy, protein-rich breakfast. That little meeting is no problem, so bring it on!

Reason #5 To Hit The Gym in the AM: Nighttime Is Your Time

When Friday rolls around, your family and friends aren’t always understanding of your workout routines. They beg and they plead with you to skip your workout (just this once!) so you can join them for a party or a night on the town. Eventually, you’re guilted into doing as they wish. Put together enough of those non-exercise evenings and your commitment is in trouble. Hit the gym early in the morning, on the other hand, and you can have your workout and be social in the evenings, too!

Reason #6 To Hit The Gym in the AM: You’ll Stick with It

Nighttime fun isn’t the only reason you skip exercise. In fact, more often than not, a late night at the office or taking the kids to soccer practice does in your routine. So if you want to meet your goals in the gym, get started on your routine in the morning, before your day gets started.

Reason #7 To Hit The Gym in the AM: Your Body Thanks You

There are a lot of things that have to go right in your body to feel well and perform at your peak. You can help regulate a number of these processes by waking up at the same time each day and working out early. In fact, even if you’re not a morning person right now, within a few weeks of exercising in the morning, you will likely find yourself waking up earlier and feeling energized every day of the week, which enables you to do well at the gym or—on your off days, have fruitful mornings even away from the gym.

Call or email  today to find out what morning times we have available – let’s get you into the best shape of your life together!

Committed to your RESULTS
Coach Nicole
(336) 324-1140