Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category

Dailey Mail 3/4/13

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Let’s face it, Mondays are tough! We ALL need a bit of motivation each and every day, but particularly on Mondays! Folks, this calls for a new “W.O.W.” (word of the week)!

This week’s “W.O.W.” is ENTHUSIASM! It costs nothing, and when you have it, you have a powerful force working in your favor! Be genuinely ENTHUSIASTIC, and you’ll be impossible to ignore. Having a rough day? ENTHUSIASM is contagious-so be sure to surround yourself with ENTHUSIASTIC people. Infusing ENTHUSIASM with your actions is highly effective, and will take you far! Look at that TOP 5 list you wrote out last night, and get after it with ENTHUSIASM this week! You have what it takes!

The Dailey ENERGY BOOSTING Tip: RECHARGE YOUR LIVER! The liver is the metabolic powerhouse that manages your body’s energy levels. Junk foods, sugar-sweetened beverages and even tobacco use affect this vital organ making elimination of toxins more difficult, resulting in sluggishness and fatigue. The most simple, effective method for detoxifying your liver daily is drinking dandelion tea two times per day. Dandelion tea stimulates the liver to optimally transport toxins away from the liver and induce excretion from the body.

CLASS UPDATE: Functional Fitness is at 6pm tonight..and there will be no lack of ENTHUSIASM from me! Come get your “Dailey dose”! Tomorrow, there are two morning fitness classes at 6 & 9:30 – and a 6pm Flex class to end the day. Hope to see you at one or both fitness/flex! Let me know you’re coming if you haven’t already.


p.s. your Dailey thought…”Nothing great was ever achieved without ENTHUSIASM.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dailey Mail 3/3/13

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Hey Weekend Warriors!

I hope you had a GREAT weekend! It’s that time again…to get your mindset RIGHT for something BIG this week!

Can you believe it’s MARCH?! A brand new month filled with endless NEW opportunity – or maybe even an old one you didn’t take advantage of. Use last week’s “W.O.W.”-PREPARE – to fuel your fire to make this an amazing week ahead. Get PREPARED by making your Top 5 list for the week-the TOP 5 goals you most want to achieve. Go ahead and PREPARE your food/snacks for tomorrow, or even the whole week ahead. It just might help you make better nutrition choices all week long! PREPARE to workout! Put your workouts on your weekly calendar just like you would any other workout- and stick to your schedule!

The Dailey LABEL READING TIP: LEARN TO “DECODE” NUTRITION LABELS! Think just because the label says ZERO TRANS FATS = NO trans fats? Think again! Due to loose regulations by the FDA about how food companies have to label ingredients, you can end up consuming more than the recommended daily limit of 1-2 grams unknowingly. Specifically, if there is less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving, the food company can label it as having 0 grams of trans fat per serving. This means that there could be up to 0.49 grams in one serving of food and it can say 0 grams on the label. Best bet is to dig through the INGREDIENTS list on the label & learn what to look for! Any time you see ingredients such as “partially hydrogenated” and “hydrogenated” oils.-STAY AWAY! These oils are commonly found in foods that companies make to have a long shelf life. This includes many cookies, crackers, and ready-made meals. Sometimes in the ingredient list, “fully hydrogenated” oils also appear. These do not contain any trans fats because they are made of pure saturated fat. These fats are also unhealthy, although not as harmful as trans fat, and consumption should be limited. Best bet…choose foods that have NO INGREDIENTS such as fresh fruits & veggies, fresh fish & lean meats, and other foods found in their natural state! Stick to the foods that will spoil within a few days if not eaten!

CLASS UPDATE: GAME ON tomorrow! We have THREE Functional Fitness classes on tap with a 6am, 9:30, & 6pm!! Who’s coming when? It will be a GREAT start to the week!


p.s. your Dailey thought…”Don’t find fault. Find a remedy.” ~Henry Ford NO EXCUSES THIS WEEK!!! FIND YOUR REMEDY!!!

The LAST day of Feb! 2/28/13

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It’s the LAST day of February! WOW!!!

Are you finishing this month STRONG?! Did you CRUSH your goals? Did you CELEBRATE your victories?

Tomorrow starts a NEW month and another chance to CREATE positive change in your life. Whether you attend my classes or train with me 1-1, workout on your own, or participate in various other fitness programs…KEEP MOVING! Your life depends on it! Of course, if you really want to take your mind & body to a new level…you do realize that Dailey Fitness is the ONLY way to go…RIGHT?!

THE DAILEY CHALLENGE: What is the ONE thing you have struggled with this month in regards to your exercise program? What is the ONE thing you have been trying to physically do, but seem to always have to do the “modified” version? Whether it’s a pushup, a burpee, a box jump…or WHATEVER…make it your personal challenge to be able to do it by the end of March. I can guarantee that if you put your focus, determination, heart & soul into it…YOU WILL NOT FAIL! Increase your odds of success by sharing this goal with me so I can help you work to achieve it all month long!

CLASS UPDATE: FLEX tonight at 6pm! It’s not too late to make it! TOMORROW, we will end the week and BEGIN the month with Functional Fitness at 6am & 9:30am! I have NEW TOYS & they will be out on the floor! Come PLAY!



p.s. your Dailey thought…

“Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.”

Dailey Mail 2/27/13

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Happy Hump Day!

Gotta love Wednesdays! Half way to another weekend! Even better…Mother Nature even graced us with a nice dose of sunshine & reasonable temperatures. Hope you were able to get outside for a few moments of fresh air and Vitamin D!

Colin Powell once said: “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of PREPARATION, hard work, learning from failure.” Such wise words, and true. Think about your goals for a minute. Personal goals, health & fitness goals, career goals. Are there any that you have been going for, but they seem to stay just out of reach? Refocus your energy. PREPARE your next tactics. Put in the hard work necessary. View your failures as a positive-because once you make them, you then learn what NOT to do again!

The Dailey BRAIN FOOD Tip: SUNFLOWER SEEDS! A handful provides a good dose of vitamin E, a nutrient that appears to shield neurons from cell-damaging free radicals. After analyzing data from subjects ages 55 and older, Harvard researchers discovered that people who consumed the most vitamin E were 25 percent less likely to develop dementia than those who consumed the least.

CLASS UPDATE: Functional Fitness at 6am & 9:30am tomorrow! I’ve got a great workout lined up for those who are willing to put in the hard work & sweat equity to REACH GOALS! Functional Flex is at 6pm…and a fantastic way to relax your way to the end of the day! Which one will I see YOU at?


p.s. your Dailey thought…

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Dailey Mail 2/26/13

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Hello my waterlogged friends! It’s been a TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR TUESDAY!

Thankfully, tomorrow brings us blue skies and a new chance to CREATE GREATNESS!

Remember the “W.O.W.” – PREPARATION as you cross into the middle of the week tomorrow. “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.” ~ Benjamin Franklin What will you do tomorrow to PREPARE for SUCCESS?!

The Dailey OLIVE OIL Tip: KEEP IT TIGHTLY SEALED! Storing your olive oil in open bottles (including those fancy & convenient little pourer spouts) can lead to oxidation & contamination. Preserve the quality of your extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) by keeping it tightly sealed and storing it in a cool dark place.

CLASS UPDATE: Wed 6pm…FUNCTIONAL FITNESS…BE THERE!! Hope to see as many of you as possible! If you know you are coming…let me know!

Rest well tonight my friends! It is a key ingredient to total health!

p.s. your Dailey thought…The will to win is worthless if you do not have the will to prepare.” ~Thane Yost

Dailey Mail 2/25/13

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What a MONDAY!

What’s with the energy in the air today?! I hope your week is off to as great of a start as mine is! My day started with some amazing energy from an originally very sleepy & less than enthusiastic group of ladies who turned it around to CRUSH their “HURRICANE” workout! One of my favorite people & long time 1-1 clients pushed herself harder today than I have seen her go in a loooong time! I’ve also gotten great feedback from clients REACHING their goals, and hearing some NEW goals to reach from others! MAN! It just doesn’t get any better than this for me…KEEP IT COMING FOLKS! How’s your day?!?

The “W.O.W.” (word of the week) is PREPARATION! More than a century ago, Louis Pasteur said, “Chance favors only the prepared mind.” By this he meant that sudden flashes of insight don’t just happen— they are the products of preparation. PREPARATION, therefore, is the key to a successfully reaching your goals & living your personal best. It’s this simple: Identify WHAT you want to achieve, and PREPARE for it! If you are serious about your health & fitness goals, know they won’t haphazardly happen unless you devote time & PREPARATION each and every day. But then again, if you are truly SERIOUS about your health & fitness goals…you have already been PREPARING long before this suggestion, RIGHT?! But it’s NEVER too late to improve on PREPARATION! Now GET AFTER IT!

CLASS UPDATE: 6pm Functional Fitness is gonna be off the hook-as in AWESOME! I feel another HURRICANE coming on! Tomorrow, Functional Fitness at 6 & 9:30am followed by Flex at 6pm! Keep the daily RSVP’s coming when you know you’ll be attending a class! You have no idea how much that helps me out!

Don’t forget this week’s DAILEY CHALLENGE! Eliminate these 9 things from your diet for guaranteed positive change!

Remember, you can’t out-train a bad diet!


p.s. your Dailey thought…”You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, PREPARE to win, and expect to win.” ~Zig Ziglar

Dailey Mail 2/24/13

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Happy Sunday everyone!

Hope you had a fantastic weekend! I had an amazing time learning some new tricks of the trade from some of the BEST in the fitness industry this weekend at the Perform Better seminar is Charlotte. I can’t wait to introduce some new concepts & re-apply some old ones to my clients this week! I want to encourage YOU to do something this week too -that will help you to get BETTER, and set you apart from the rest! In order to get BETTER at anything, you have to make time for it. You can’t make excuses. You can’t procrastinate. EMBRACE change & go after it with passion! Small steps every day really add up!

The DAILEY CHALLENGE: ELIMINATE HARMFUL INGREDIENTS FROM YOUR DIET! No matter what your health & fitness goals are, your diet is at least 80% responsible for your success. I always say, “you can’t out train a bad diet” and it’s true! Check out this simple list of 9 ingredients to avoid at all costs. If you can do this, I can PROMISE you will get results! (let me know if you can’t open it!)

CLASS UPDATE: SCHEDULE CHANGE STARTING TOMORROW!!! Don’t forget that we now have a 9:30 Functional Fitness class on Mondays!!! That means we have 3 fitness classes to choose from every Monday with 6am, 9:30am, & 6pm available! What an AWESOME way to start each and every week! Attached is the revised & set schedule. Print it out and post it where you can see it every day!

If you are coming to a class tomorrow, let me know! A quick text or email is perfect! THANKS!

Let’s get ready for an OUTSTANDING week ahead! Set your TOP 5 list for the week, and let’s CRUSH IT!

Dailey Mail 2/21/13

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It’s THURSDAY! That means the weekend is just about here!

How will YOU end this week?! Hopefully with lots of GOALS REACHED & SUCCESS!

In case you hit an obstacle or two this week, it’s time to test your BELIEF! “A setback is simply a set up for a comeback!” ~Willie Jolley

No matter how many steps it takes, no matter how deflated you feel for not reaching a goal…COME BACK with a goal to become BETTER than ever! Take pride in the climb to reach your personal best. Believe in yourself. You will get there!

IMPORTANT CLASS UPDATE: Weather permitting…classes WILL be ON tomorrow at 6am & 9:30am!! I NEED TO KNOW IF YOU ARE COMING-OR NOT-& WHEN! It is my understanding at this time that we will be getting minimal precip here…turning to rain tomorrow late morning/afternoon. In the event of school delays or cancellations…BRING THE KIDS!! We can let them “play” with us OR set them up with a movie in the TV room if you bring one. **BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR EMAIL PRIOR TO YOUR CLASS ON FRIDAY TO BE SURE IT HAS NOT BEEN CANCELLED-just in case!

The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: EAT YOUR MICROGREENS! They may be tiny, but a new study shows trendy microgreens punch well above their weight when it comes to nutrition. Microgreens are young seedlings of edible vegetables and herbs harvested less than 14 days after germination. They are usually about 1-3 inches long and come in a rainbow of colors, which has made them popular in recent years as garnishes with chefs. Multiple studies have connected belly fat to chronic levels of inflammation and cortisol, the stress hormone. However, high doses of vitamin C have been shown to decrease cortisol levels after stressful events. Microgreens like red cabbage, cilantro, & radishes provide nutrients at a super high concentration. In fact, they have 4 to 6 times the nutrients than mature leaves of the same plant. Red cabbage microgreens have the highest amount of vitamin C, which is 6 times higher than the amount found in mature red cabbage. Don’t hesitate to add some into your salad during lunch.

Everyone do your ANTI-SNOW/ICE dance tonight!

p.s. your Dailey thought…”BELIEF in oneself is one f the most important bricks in building any successful venture.” ~Lydia M. Child

Dailey Mail 2/19/13

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Happy END of Tuesday to you all!

This comes to you better late than never!

Folks, the W.O.W. is BELIEF! You have BIG goals to reach. But in order to go far, it’s important not to let yourself get overwhelmed in the process. Think about these words tomorrow as you set out to achieve GREATNESS!

“Focus on how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go.”

The Dailey HEALTH Tip: STICK WITH ORGANIC LIVESTOCK! Going for the cheapest cuts of meat at the counter may come with a price! When you eat beef, poultry, & pork that isn’t certified “organic” or at the least certified to be antibiotic/hormone free…you are taking a chance that the next time you need an antibiotic to work for you…it won’t! Studies are proving that the antibiotics that they give to our “farm animals” may cause resistance to the antibiotics that help humans fight off infection. Even more, synthetic growth hormones are linked with obesity & could cause an imbalance of natural human hormones.

CLASS UPDATE! Come take the LAST 9:30 FLEX class tomorrow! (Wed!). After this week…the Wed 9:30 class will be NO MORE! However, I am excited to be ADDING a MONDAY 9:30 Functional Fitness instead! (New class schedules will be sent to you before next Mon!) Don’t forget we still have a rockin’ Functional Fitness class tomorrow night, 6pm! I need to get an idea of who’s coming so I can plan something fantabulous! Shoot me a quick text, email, or hit me up on the Dailey Fitness Facebook page to let me know you are coming!



p.s. your Dailey thought…

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to BELIEF. And once that BELIEF becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.

~Muhammad Ali