I hope you have had an amazing week full of accomplishment! Every day will have it’s ups and downs- so as you reflect back on your week, pick out the BEST moments of the week focus on them! Celebrate them!
Remember that tomorrow is a new day and another chance to get BETTER. Let the mistakes & misfortunes of any day help you to learn something new about yourself. I love this quote by Abraham Lincoln: “The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.” Fantastic words to keep us grounded as we pursue our journey in life!
The “W.O.W” was VENTURE! What did you do this week to leave your comfort zone & into unchartered territory in ANY aspect of your life? How did it FEEL to do it? When you look back at the “risk” you took, was it worth it? Aren’t you feeling empowered now that you did it? Keep raising the bar! Every time you VENTURE to go bigger, it’s hard to go back!
CLASS UPDATE: YOU ASKED FOR IT, YOU GOT IT!!! We have a schedule change in effect for next week. This will be a permanent change! The WED 6am Flex class is cancelled. However, I am ADDING a FRI 6am Functional Fitness! Please make note of this change on your calendar! I know this will make many of my Fitness Family very happy & will allow some of you to ADD an extra class to your week! Not to mention, it’s a GREAT way to end the work week and go into the weekend.
Have a wonderful weekend! Stay tuned for more Dailey Mails & a new “W.O.W.” on Sunday!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“There are those who are so scrupulously afraid of doing wrong that they seldom VENTURE to do anything.” ~Marquis de Vauvenarques