Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category

Dailey Mail 1/11/13

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I hope you have had an amazing week full of accomplishment! Every day will have it’s ups and downs- so as you reflect back on your week, pick out the BEST moments of the week focus on them! Celebrate them!

Remember that tomorrow is a new day and another chance to get BETTER. Let the mistakes & misfortunes of any day help you to learn something new about yourself. I love this quote by Abraham Lincoln: “The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.” Fantastic words to keep us grounded as we pursue our journey in life!

The “W.O.W” was VENTURE! What did you do this week to leave your comfort zone & into unchartered territory in ANY aspect of your life? How did it FEEL to do it? When you look back at the “risk” you took, was it worth it? Aren’t you feeling empowered now that you did it? Keep raising the bar! Every time you VENTURE to go bigger, it’s hard to go back!

CLASS UPDATE: YOU ASKED FOR IT, YOU GOT IT!!! We have a schedule change in effect for next week. This will be a permanent change! The WED 6am Flex class is cancelled. However, I am ADDING a FRI 6am Functional Fitness! Please make note of this change on your calendar! I know this will make many of my Fitness Family very happy & will allow some of you to ADD an extra class to your week! Not to mention, it’s a GREAT way to end the work week and go into the weekend.

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay tuned for more Dailey Mails & a new “W.O.W.” on Sunday!



p.s. your Dailey thought…

“There are those who are so scrupulously afraid of doing wrong that they seldom VENTURE to do anything.” ~Marquis de Vauvenarques

Dailey Mail 1/10/13

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GOOOOOOOD Morning everyone!

I hope your day is off to a great start & you are prepared to CREATE the greatness that awaits you! Today, you have a choice. You can LET life happen to you, or you can MAKE things happen FOR you!

Class update: A fantastic group of 14 made a CHOICE to start their day STRONG with an INSANE workout! Get a taste of what they accomplished again at 9:30am today! If you want to slow things down a bit, DE-STRESS, & realign your body…join me for the 6pm FLEX class! It’s going to be soothing & relaxing tonight.

The Dailey FAT FLUSHING Tip: EAT CHIA SEEDS! These little seeds are a dieter’s dream come true! PACKED with healthy benefits for everyone, they also play quite a significant role in weight loss. Chia seeds are super high in soluble fiber which, in addition to filling you up, has cholesterol-lowering properties and prevents the absorption of fat. They can be added to any dish, put into smoothies, sprinkled on salads, or even added to beverages such as water & tea. My favorite way to eat them is in my morning oatmeal!

THE DAILEY CHALLENGE: RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS! This challenge NEVER gets old! Each and every day, we can all change the world around us with a small gesture of kindness to just one person. Compliment a stranger; buy coffee for the person behind you in line at the coffee shop; clean the windshield for the person next to you at the gas station; let someone cut in front of you in line or traffic; etc. Get creative! Small acts of kindness CREATE IMPACT, and more often than not they are paid forward!

We still have one more Functional Fitness class for the week on Friday @ 9:30! If you can make the class, I promise to send you into the weekend with NO REGRETS!

The weekend is ALMOST here!!



p.s. your Dailey thought…

“Belief in oneself is one the most important bricks in building any successful VENTURE.” ~Lydia M.Child

Dailey Mail 1/8/13

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Hello Beautiful People!!

Man! What a day! After a restless night with little sleep & a struggle to drag myself out of bed to an early class…I had not one, but TWO amazing Functional Fitness groups this morning!

THANK YOU to everyone who MADE MY DAY by showing up & bringing some seriously great energy! Just what I needed to get me moving forward with momentum today!

The DAILEY HEALTH TIP: GINGER! ‘Tis the “snot” season! With the flu running rampant across our nation, sinus infections in full swing, and colds galore all around us…I don’t know about you, but I am looking for any NATURAL remedy that works! Ginger is not only great for cooking, but super easy to make a fresh beverage that has the power to help with congestion. The volatile oils in ginger have long made it a useful herbal remedy for nasal and chest congestion. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over a 1-inch piece of peeled, grated ginger; steep for 10 minutes; and strain. Add a pinch or two of cayenne pepper to the water and drink as needed.

If you are not already a fan, “LIKE” the Dailey Fitness page for more positive thoughts, motivation, & updates on upcoming cool stuff I have up my sleeve! Tell your friends to “LIKE” us too! Even better: post comments; pictures of YOU being functional & healthy outside of classes/training sessions; share your “PAY IT FORWARD” moments; & CELEBRATE VICTORIES of goals accomplished with your fellow Dailey Fitness followers! Everyone loves a SUCCESS story, so share yours!

If you want to RELAX, DE-STRESS, & CORRECT imbalance in your body & life…Functional Flex is where it’s at! 6pm tonight! 6 bases out on a first come first serve basis…then we resort to chairs! Get there early to claim the best spot in the house!



p.s. your Dailey thought…

“It is impossible to win the race unless you VENTURE to run, impossible to win the battle unless you dare to battle.” ~ Richard M. DeVos

Dailey Mail 1/7/13

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I hope your week is off to a fantastic start!

Remember the “W.O.W.”: VENTURE! Let this word keep you focused this week on opening your mind & expanding your personal boundaries. If you push too far, you can always pull back…but if you never push yourself even the slightest bit further than you have already gone- you will never know what could have been.

The Dailey ANTIOXIDANT BOOSTING Tip: OREGANO! This “power herb” has superstar levels of antioxidants. Just a half teaspoon of dried oregano has the benefits of a spinach salad. Oregano has the ability to act as an expectorant, clearing congestion, and can also improve digestion. Add oregano to salads, marinades, sauces, or even sprinkle on your popcorn with a mist of EVOO instead of butter for a healthy snack!

Tonight the 6pm Functional Fitness class is going to be off the hook! Hope to see you there!

If you can’t make that…don’t forget there are THREE classes on Tuesday: Functional Fitness @ 6am & 9:30am, Functional Flex @ 6pm!

CREATE a great week!


p.s. your Dailey thought…

“There is no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let others get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.” ~Author Unknown

Dailey Mail 1/6/13

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Tomorrow is the official beginning of the January classes, and the kick-off of the “2013-YEAR OF YOU”!

This month will only be the beginning of TRANSFORMATION as you have never known before! If you are signed up for the Functional Fitness & Flex classes, you are going to receive the extra “push” you need to succeed with your fitness goals! From this day forward, let’s CREATE change! POSITIVE CHANGE! Let’s not just talk about what we want to accomplish in any aspect of our life-LET’S DO IT!

The “W.O.W.” (word of the week): VENTURE! Dare to go into unchartered territory! Be willing to take more risks in any aspect of your life in which you seek growth. VENTURE out of your comfort zone to open up new possibilities & opportunities. You will never know how far you can go until you try. VENTURE to get BETTER personally, physically, emotionally, professionally this week! The first step out of the comfort zone is always the hardest. Remember this: strive to become 1% every day! A small number with an enormous payoff!

THE DAILEY CHALLENGE: THE “OUT & BACK” CHALLENGE! If you are not able to catch one of the Functional Fitness classes tomorrow, make your own! Pick a destination you can walk/run/bike to. When you get to the destination, use a picnic table, park bench, or just the ground under your feet to do this circuit:

Pushups – Step Up/Lunge Backs – Pull-up’s (if you can use a table or elevated surface) – Groiners or Burpees – Dips

Do all 5 drills 3 times through. Start with 10 reps of each in the first set, and increase your reps on the 2nd & 3rd set through. When you are done, head back home & FEEL GREAT for getting it in!

YOU have the power within you to be & do ANYTHING you want. Let fear & uncertainty fuel your fire to go a distance or direction you have never gone. Visualize how amazing it is going to feel once you reach each and every goal.


6am & 6pm Functional Fitness at Sherwood Monday!! Are you coming?!

Yeah Baby!


p.s. your Dailey thought…

“The vision must be followed by the VENTURE. It is not enough to stare up the steps – we must step up the stairs.” ~Vance Havner


Thur Dailey Mail 1/3/13

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Hey there New Year Resolutioners!

Oh WAIT! You didn’t wait until the New Year to get fit…YOU committed to getting MORE FIT through the holidays…so YOU don’t get lumped in with the masses of people who procrastinated! YEAH BABY!

We are 3 days into the new year, and I hope you have already started to CREATE your best year ever!

Did you know that there are 525,600 minutes in a year? That’s a LOT of minutes, RIGHT?! That means you have approximately 525,538 minutes left in the 2013 bank. Spend them wisely! Use more minutes doing things that light up your soul, make you smile, and ultimately bring happiness & good health to your life. Minutes devoted to worry, fear, anger, & negative thoughts are wasted…and you will NOT be able to get them back.

How are you going to spend your precious minutes this year?

The “a la carte” class week has been phenomenal so far! There is still a Flex class tonight at 6pm, as well as 2 Functional Fitness classes in the morning at 6 & 9:30. Help! Let me know if you are coming to either class tomorrow! I seem to have lost my list of RSVP’s! The more the merrier & recruit a friend to try it for free!

Don’t forget the official month of Jan classes starts Monday! From there on out, we are moving to a NEW system of a 28 day payment schedule (every 4 weeks) so that we can just keep a continuous class schedule running from one month to the next…regardless of short/long months! If you haven’t already paid for Jan…BRING YOUR CREDIT/DEBIT card to your next class get signed up with EFT autopay!

THE DAILEY CHALLENGE: SPEND 10 QUALITY MINUTES TODAY writing a thank you note or just a “thinking of you” letter to someone that would never expect it. Handwritten notes sent by good ole “snail mail” are so much more personal than email & texts, and can make someone’s day!



p.s. your Dailey thought…

“Being busy is not an excuse for you to live an unhealthy life. Plan your time wisely. Make time for working out and other activities.” ~Author Unknown

Wed Dailey Mail

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Today kicks off the 1st day of classes for 2013! This year, we get BETTER at everything we set our minds to!

Tonight…6pm…Functional Fitness…IT’S GO TIME!!!

There are BIG changes in store for Dailey Fitness in 2013, and I am implementing NEW systems to make your experience BETTER than ever to deliver BIGGER results!

I am super excited about one of the NEW systems in place: EFT payment!

Out with the OLD, in with the NEW! Checks are a thing of the past & a waste of paper! GO GREEN with me by making the switch to EFT! Good news, is that you can use a credit card OR your debit card if you still want to have the $ drafted from checking. So really, nothing will be any different! Just one less check to write. A few of you have already gotten on board with EFT, but starting Feb 1, I need EVERYONE to be on board! Automated systems cut down on paperwork, and from a business perspective it will free many hours each month that I can dedicate to YOU…not “the office”.

The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: SPAGHETTI SQUASH INSTEAD OF PASTA! Whether you are trying to lose a few lbs in the new year or just looking to clean up your diet, substituting spaghetti squash is a super healthy addition to your dinner plate. Cook them just like any other winter squash: scoop out the seeds and rub the inside with salt and olive oil, then roast in a 400° oven until the flesh is completely tender. Check it every 15 minutes or so, and it’s usually done after about 45 minutes. Use a fork to gently lift out the tender flesh in long delicious strands. Serve with your favorite pasta sauce, or use as a bed for just about any topping such as meat, fish, or vegetables.

This will be the LAST “a la carte” week of classes EVER with the new systems implemented in 2013! However, since the classes this week are not on a prepaid basis, I need RSVP’s to know if we have enough to make a class. To avoid your class(es) of choice being dropped this particular week, I need to know if you are in or not! We will add the class(es) you take this week to your Jan monthly balance, so no worries about paying as you go.


Friday: 6am & 9:30am FUNCTIONAL FITNESS

Which one(s) will you be attending???

*** Be sure to check your email prior to any class to be sure there has not been a change this week!

 p.s. your Dailey thought…”I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the year’s.” ~Henry Moore

Happy New Year!

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WELCOME 2013!!

One of our Fitness Family members posted this quote on Facebook today, and I had to share it!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

What a great thought to start the New Year!

Let’s ALL “throw off the bowlines” and CREATE GREATNESS in 2013! Let’s not look back wishing we had done something different!

Who’s coming to class tomorrow?! So far, I have gotten ZERO rsvp’s for the 6am & 9:30am FLEX classes. Unless I get some quick feedback, the morning classes are a bust tomorrow! However, the 6pm FITNESS class is GAME ON! Shoot me an email ASAP if you want to FLEX with me in the morning! If we get a few commitments, I will open the class back up.

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Enjoy today & embrace the beginning of an amazing year ahead!

Peace & Health!