Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category

Say NO!!!

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“Success depends on getting good at saying no without feeling guilty. You cannot get ahead with your own goals if you are always saying yes to someone else’s projects. You can only get ahead with your desired lifestyle if you are focused on the things that will produce that lifestyle.” ~ Jack Canfield

This week…say NO! It’s time for you to put YOU first. If you are like me, you are being pulled 10 different directions at any given time, and feel obligated to give your attention to whatever it is pulling at you…often times at your own expense! Listen, it is my experience that there will ALWAYS be someone or something else you can give attention & focus to. It is also my experience that your own needs and goals can quickly be pushed lower on the priority list due to this demand. Learn when to say no…or at least when to delegate and assist someone with their project AFTER you have done what’s necessary for you. Believe it or not, you might even be MORE productive if you take this approach!


The WARRIOR Nutrition Tip: Eat till you are 80% full! Let your food sit at least 15 minutes before you go for more. It takes at least 15 min for your brain to synchronize with your stomach to determine “satisfaction”. If you stop before you are feeling full…you are less likely to over eat! Drink at least 8 oz of water intead of eating the extra portion!


PLAN for success this week! YOU ARE WORTH IT!



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“The future you see is the future you get.” –Robert G. Allen

What does your future look like? Are you visualizing it? Are you focusing on the things you desire…or the things you fear about the future?

Get your mindset RIGHT! Know that you have what it takes to succeed at ANYTHING you put your mind and effort to. You’ve just gotta want it bad enough!


The WARRIOR Nutrition Tip: Don’t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as FOOD! Not sure about your great grandma, but mine wasn’t cruising through drive thru’s, eating protein bars, or making dinner from a box. She lived a LONG time too! Eat to LIVE! (Oh! And DRINK MORE WATER too!)


October is BRING A FRIEND MONTH at the dojo! IF you are already a student with us…it’s time to invite a friend that you KNOW has goals to reach & needs help getting there! You can invite one friend for each week of the month (that’s up to 4 different friends! Each friend gets one week) If you aren’t already a student here, & maybe you KNOW someone who is…ask them about this amazing offer! If you aren’t training with us, don’t know anyone who is, and have goals to reach…just call ME directly!

Here’s the deal:

  • Free pass gives UNLIMITED access to ANY group training on the schedule click here to investigate.
  • The one redeeming the free pass MUST RSVP for the particular week they will be joining us-in advance. Their week will start on a Monday, end on Sat.
  • Prior to first day, they MUST come in for a meet & greet, and do a brief assessment. Not negotiable.
  • Free pass is only available for those that have never trained with Dailey Fitness/TFW Greensboro OR have dropped off & want to see what’s different now!
  • Person redeeming the free pass MUST be ready to have an amazing experience & want to see what a results driven program is really about!

Start recruiting! This is an awesome GIFT for you to give to someone. Don’t waste it!


LIVE your best today!

Lessons from a dog…

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“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance.”

~H. Jackson Brown

Let PERSEVERANCE help you WIN the week by attacking your goals and reaching new personal records with anything you set out to do! Expect obstacles to fall in your path. Don’t let them stop you. Just like the stream…FIND A WAY over, under, or around them!


The WARRIOR Nutrition Tip: WATCH YOUR PORTIONS! 2 tablespoons = a golf ball size portion! This is the recommended amount of peanut butter per serving. Careful not to spoon out too much!


As some of you have already learned, Dailey Fitness/TFW-Greensboro has suffered a tremendous loss over the weekend. We had to say goodbye to Otis, our WARRIOR mascot, that without a doubt took on challenge after challenge & PERSEVERED with no complaints! Although many tears have been shed, and the gym won’t be the same without Otis…I hope we can ALL emulate a few things from him:

  • ALWAYS come to work (& the gym!) with a smile & tail wagging! POSITIVE ENERGY is CONTAGIOUS!
  • NEVER turn down a good treat! (& the healthier the treats, the longer you will live to enjoy them!)
  • Know when to listen attentively, and when to make your voice heard! Doing both well will ensure that when you speak, they always know it’s something they need to hear & when you are listening, you are giving your undivided attention!
  • PLAY!!! No matter how sick, tired, or feeble you might become in this life…PLAY every chance you get! It will keep your spirit ALIVE!


Life is filled with challenges of all shapes, sizes, and magnitudes. True success in life comes from how you push past these challenges. The game is won by the player that can keep coming back, no matter what!


It’s all about Perspective…

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“Don’t think of organ donations as giving up part of yourself to keep a total stranger alive. It’s really a total stranger giving up almost all of themselves to keep part of you alive.” ~Author Unknown

It’s ALL about perspective! Want a different outcome, maybe you just need to shift your mindset. Find ONE negative in your life today and try to look at it from a different perspective. Today’s message at the DOJO is about the LEGACY you will have (i.e. the IMPACT you are leaving on the world with your presence, joy, & positive actions). Your perspective will have a strong influence on this. Remember…EVERYTHING COUNTS!


The Dailey WARRIOR NUTRITION Tip: About 30% of your daily calories should come from FAT foods like fish, nuts, & oils.



*please share with anyone that might benefit

**RSVP – ASAP to reserve your spot!

Sugar Workshop 2 jpeg


What’s your LEGACY?!

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“The best legacy you could leave is not some building that is named after you or a piece of jewelry, but rather a world that has been impacted and touched by your presence, your joy, and your positive actions.” ~Jon Gordon

I’m working on MY legacy this week…what’s YOURS going to be? GET AFTER IT!


The theme of the week at the DOJO is EXCUSES…and working on not making any! Let’s face it, they are ALL legitimate! There are a million good reasons NOT to do something you know you should be doing. But the fact of the matter is, no matter how good the excuses are…they won’t produce RESULTS. ACTIONS DO! This week, let’s ALL ditch the excuses and spend that quality time doing something more productive. All of the energy we put into an excuse might possibly be better used MAKING IT HAPPEN!


The WARRIOR Nutrition Tip: FOOD IS MEDICINE! Eating the right foods will ensure you have to take less “medicine”.  Make sure you are “eating to LIVE”…”not living to EAT”! Three words that arranged one way will save your life, reverse the order and end your life!


CREATE a phenomenal week!



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“You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.”  ~Michael Jordan

Make the most of your time today and living a life that makes you happy. The decisions you make every day should come from a position of power-not weakness. EXPECT MORE of yourself & you will get more! Too many times fear of the unknown or fear of failure will stop many of us from even trying. Make today the day you change your mindset and enforce the fact that you’re powerful beyond measure and this world is your playground.


The WARRIOR Nutrition Tip: YOU NEED CARBS! It’s the QUALITY of the carbs you need to keep in check! Carbohydrates actually help to maintain glucose levels during exercise (energy) & replace muscle glycogen after exercise (stored energy). When training in our program 4days/week, one should consume a minimum of 5 grams per kilogram a day for optimal performance! Remember, QUALITY COUNTS! (fruits, veggies, whole grains, are all good sources-not breads, chips, pastas, etc.)


FREE SEMINAR!!! (2 dates: Thurs 8/27 @ 7:15pm & Fri 8/28 @ 10:15am) SAVE THE DATE & RSVP!

“The Sugar Blues”  The primary goal of the workshop is to educate and raise awareness about the negative effects of sugar on the body, mind and spirit. Jodie Gisser, Holistic Health Coach & Food for Life Instructor, will help participants understand that sugar is an addictive substance and the need to be mindful of over-consumption. She will discuss the common types of sugar as well as identify healthier sugar options. You will learn how to recognize and use food cravings as a tool to help nourish the body and discuss specific strategies to reduce and eliminate sugar cravings naturally.


Take the path of MOST resistance!

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“Don’t pray for an easy life, pray for strength to endure a difficult one.” —Bruce Lee

How many times have you just wished life would get easier, or your load to get lighter? I’m GUILTY! But be reminded that nothing worth having comes at an easy price. Build your inner & outer strength so you can face your challenges head on! After all, some of our more difficult journeys are the most REWARDING!

The mission at Dailey Fitness/TFW Greensboro is to bring out your warrior within! We are ALL fighting battles every day…and the more prepared mentally and physically we can be, the bigger the victories will be. Taking the path of least resistance is cheating yourself out of getting the MOST from your life…whether that’s in the gym, at home, at work, etc.


The WARRIOR Nutrition Tip: BOOST Protein synthesis by eating 20-30 grams of protein every time you eat. This boost can last about 3 hours, and not only will it speed recovery from your workouts, but it will also keep your blood sugar levels in check so you don’t have insulin spikes causing sugar cravings!


The path of MOST resistance…TAKE IT!


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“If you can’t fly, then run; if you can’t run; then walk; if you can’t walk, then crawl; but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.


Happy HUMP Day!

Half-way through the week…time to KEEP MOVING FORWARD to gain momentum towards your goals! Take a chance, step out of the comfort zone, and live today with PURPOSE! The focus at the gym this week…and all month long is the “Ripple Effect” and that EVERYTHING COUNTS! When you BEHAVE as if everything matters, there is no way not to gain momentum!


The WARRIOR NUTRITION Tip: Don’t skip breakfast…but skip the carbs! Studies have shown that the people who start the day with a protein rich breakfast consume 200 fewer calories throughout the day than those who ate carb-heavy breakfasts such as a bagel with jelly! Quick & easy breakfast idea that is packed with nutrition: ½ of Ezekiel English muffin + 1 or 2 eggs topped with fresh tomato & avocado!


Eat Well,

Train HARD,



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“There will be obstacles, there will be doubters, there will be mistakes, but with hard work, there are no limits.”

If there’s one thing I know…nothing JUST HAPPENS! Success doesn’t JUST HAPPEN. Goals reached, it doesn’t JUST HAPPEN. Getting that promotion, it doesn’t JUST HAPPEN. Staying married for 20-50+ years, doesn’t JUST HAPPEN! Neither does reaching your optimal health & fitness level. It takes HARD WORK…ANYTHING worth having does. But that’s what makes the victories even sweeter, and the journey more valuable.

THIS WEEK…do the hard work. The only limits are the ones you place on yourself.


The WARRIOR NUTRITION Tip: Are you getting enough protein??? 1.5-2 grams per every 1 kg (~2.2lbs) of body weight is sufficient. That means a person weighing in at 150lbs would need approx. 102grams of protein daily-if working out on a moderate scale of 2-3x/week. Anyone training more, say 4+ times/week should consume more-136 grams/day. ***It’s not that hard to consume enough protein if you spread it throughout the day & have approx. 15-20grams at each meal/snack. 1- 4oz chicken breast is about 30 grams, 2 scoops of protein powder is approx. 20 grams, 1 egg is approx. 6 grams, 3oz of salmon is about 23grams, 1 cup navy beans is approx. 20 grams, 2oz of mixed nuts is about 6grams, I cup of quinoa is about 8grams….it all adds up!!! (Just those items alone total 113 grams of protein…and can easily be consumed from first meal- breakfast to last meal- dinner, and everything in between. Guarantee you won’t have the sugar cravings and insulin spikes when you balance enough protein too!