Classes OUTSIDE on Wed!!! Be prepared!
Only 2 more days of Functional Fitness & Flex at Sherwood after today! Are you READY for the new digs? Tues, Sept 3…GAME ON at the new Dailey Fitness studio! 2919 Battleground Ave.
WEDNESDAY…Be prepared to be OUTSIDE for your classes! 6am & 6pm FUNCTIONAL FITNESS Wed! Since the 6pm class has to meet outside due to a scheduled private party in our room..the 6am’ers are going to get a taste of the great outdoors too! Bring your water and sweat towel! You’re gonna NEED them! Sign up online, or just hit me back with an email to let me know you are coming! I need to know how many to plan for since we’re “traveling”!
Your Dailey thought…
“Some things you have to do every day. Eating seven apples on Saturday night instead of one a day just isn’t going to get the job done.” ~Jim Rhone
How will you “WIN THE DAY”?!?!?!