Dailey Mail 1/7/13
I hope your week is off to a fantastic start!
Remember the “W.O.W.”: VENTURE! Let this word keep you focused this week on opening your mind & expanding your personal boundaries. If you push too far, you can always pull back…but if you never push yourself even the slightest bit further than you have already gone- you will never know what could have been.
The Dailey ANTIOXIDANT BOOSTING Tip: OREGANO! This “power herb” has superstar levels of antioxidants. Just a half teaspoon of dried oregano has the benefits of a spinach salad. Oregano has the ability to act as an expectorant, clearing congestion, and can also improve digestion. Add oregano to salads, marinades, sauces, or even sprinkle on your popcorn with a mist of EVOO instead of butter for a healthy snack!
Tonight the 6pm Functional Fitness class is going to be off the hook! Hope to see you there!
If you can’t make that…don’t forget there are THREE classes on Tuesday: Functional Fitness @ 6am & 9:30am, Functional Flex @ 6pm!
CREATE a great week!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“There is no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let others get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.” ~Author Unknown