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Hello Weekend WARRIORS!

Time to start getting your mindset RIGHT for the week ahead! Make your PLAN & stick with it! The most successful people this week will be the ones who “make the most important thing THE most important thing”!


The Dailey HEALTH Tip: DRINK MORE WATER! I can spend hours going on and on about the necessity of staying properly hydrated. It affects EVERY system in your body. DID YOU KNOW…”Your gastrointestinal system absorbs roughly 2 gallons of fluid daily. This is why, if you don’t drink enough, constipation can result. Though there are many reasons for constipation, dehydration is a common one.” From Dr. Jillian Teta


Your Dailey Thought…

“Exorcize the sickness industry and exercise the public.” ~Peter Twist

LOVE this saying and can’t agree more! You are only granted one body…one lifetime. Do something EVERY DAY to preserve your mental & physical health!


Tomorrow in the studio…Total Body Strength. Let’s start our week STRONG!