Happy HUMP Day!!!
Happy HUMP Day!
What a FANSTASTIC week! The sunshine, cool temps, and students with AMAZING energy I have been blessed with at the studio are making me want to do BACKFLIPS!
How do you start your day each day???
- Work gets you up in the morning, coffee keeps you going throughout the day, your bills keep you repeating.
vs. - Passion gets you backflipping out of bed, is the fuel for your energy, and makes you a millionaire.
If you can’t start your day with a “backflip” on your own tomorrow…than do the next best thing by getting a great METABOLIC workout in the am with us here at the studio! Guaranteed GAME CHANGER and amazing start to the day!
After a heart-felt weekend at Relay for Life, and seeing so many great people fighting to cure cancer…this article hit home for me. Pesticides and chemicals are KILLING us! Think organic isn’t such a big deal? Read this!
Class Update:
- Don’t forget that Friday there is ONE class…6am!
- PLEASE join us on Monday for a Memorial Day “HERO” workout at 10am!
Both are on the online schedule and a great way to begin and end a holiday weekend!
Who’s IN?!
The “W.O.W.” = MOMENTUM!!! Are you gaining it this week???