Happy Memorial Day!

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FREEDOM…isn’t FREE! Today (& every day we are blessed enough to see) we give thanks to the many men and women that gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may live this wonderful life! This holiday weekend comes every year at a very high price. Take time today to reflect on all of the brave men and women that have served (& continue to serve) our country to defend our freedom.

The “W.O.W.” (word of the week) = RESILLIENT!
To be able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. You are more resilient than you think. And every time you are forced to take on a difficult situation, RESILLIENCE is what gets you through & makes you stronger! Whatever challenges you face this week, remember that you have what it takes to succeed!

WARRIOR ICE CREAM RECIPE: Just in time for summer! Skip the fat & calories & make this sweet treat instead of serving up regular ice cream! http://www.healthnutnews.com/erin-elizabeths-and-dr-mercolas-i-scream-for-raw-ice-cream/

“Man never made any material as RESILLIENT as the human spirit.” ~Bernard Williams