I Can Do BETTER in 2019!
I have a confession to make…I can do BETTER in 2019!
A good coach ALWAYS practices what they preach. I coach my students to always give their best-whatever it is that day, because their BEST is enough! I also coach my students to celebrate their victories, and reflect on their journey constantly. It’s easy to get discouraged and to forget how far you’ve come unless you look back to see where you started. I also coach my students to embrace their failures and shortcomings, learning and growing from all of them. Our failures create growth. So as I look back on the last 365 days, I came to some realizations that I need to do BETTER in 2019.
Although I always strive to give my best, there are times I can recall thinking….”I could have done better today.” This means I did not truly give my best at that moment. When I look back at the times I know I could have done better, it seems to always stem from preparation…or lack thereof! If I didn’t deliver my best coaching performance, it’s on ME! When I don’t follow good nutrition or training habits, it’s on ME! When I can’t get ahead in business, and in life, it’s on ME! If I don’t prepare myself for greatness, I cannot be disappointed when it doesn’t come. In 2019, I will do BETTER with preparation & delivering my BEST!
As a small business owner, it’s frustrating when you don’t see the growth (internally & externally) that you expect. Truth: I did not grow my business or my team to the expectations that I set for myself this year. Interestingly enough, a handful of my students recently reminded me where we started many years ago…group training in the parks, with only 6 or 7 people, never knowing from one day to the next what location we would conquer our workouts in next. It’s easy to get discouraged when we don’t reach the heights we aspire to, but don’t let that cloud your vision of what you have actually achieved. Today we have an amazing facility with more equipment than we need, and we have more committed and enthusiastic warriors than ever! There’s no guessing about tomorrow. We KNOW where we are going to be, and that our journey is still evolving. Back in the days of training in the parks, I did not have a “team” to help me make things happen. It was just me, a one woman show. Now I have the best assistant on the planet, Natasha, who is helping me run every aspect of the business. I also have 2 part time coaches, Patti & Preston, who are not only coaching up our students, but they are giving me some precious moments to take a break from business so I can focus on my personal life. My resolve here, my expectations for myself and my business are high. I have a lot to be grateful for, and hard work has paid off. But in 2019, I will do BETTER setting expectations & recognizing the many successes along my journey!
As a coach and a team leader, I have failed many times in 2018. There were times that I did not always say the right thing. There were coaching moments that slipped through the cracks. There were times I failed to clearly establish expectations to my staff so they knew exactly what they needed to do. There were times that I dropped the ball and didn’t do what needed to be done. All of these failures have had consequences. I would be lying to you if I said I hadn’t beaten myself up a bit or been angry due to my failures. Hey, I’m human! But I know that these failures have helped me grow stronger, so I will not repeat them. I will do BETTER in 2019 by not repeating my past failures and I will let the failures to come help me to grow and evolve as a business owner and a person!
As I write this, I am not going to tell you that 2019 is going to be your best year yet. I cannot promise that. But one thing I truly believe is “your BEST is yet to come”…if you want it! I hope my confessions have helped you reflect a bit to decide where you want to be BETTER in 2019, in some aspect of your life. If nothing else, remember these three things each day moving forward to be a little BETTER in 2019:
- Always give your BEST! Whatever it is that day, it’s enough!
- CELEBRATE your victories each day! Make it the last thing you do before you go to sleep.
- Accept FAILURE! It doesn’t define you. Failure is part of your journey, and it is a great teacher.
If you are striving for BETTER in 2019, let TFW Greensboro give you motivation and accountability that will change your life! Click here to get a jump start on the year and to experience the difference between the TFW coaching program & “other gyms”.
Peace & Health,
Coach Nicole