leave the comfort zone!

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Happy FRIDAY!!!

“Unless to try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

What does the future hold in store for you? It holds possibilities and opportunities and adventures…as long as you step out of your comfort zone. So, today, take that step! It can be a small step or a giant leap, but no matter the size, it will take you in the direction of happiness.


Studio news:

  • 8:30 Dailey RPM (spin) class is ON for Sat!!! 4 signed up and 3 more seats left! Cassie won’t be back till after Labor day, so get your cycling fix now! If you’re signed up…no backing out now!!!
  • 10am “Body in Balance” Functional Fitness with Katie is going to be “EXPLOSIVE”! Don’t let the word scare you! She’s going to be coaching movement patterns, techniques & drills that promote balance with power! Good for ALL fitness levels…and a great way to start your Saturday! Sign up! Only 3 committed so far! (We need more!)
  • DROP-IN’S WELCOME TO EITHER CLASS! Just sign up online (or send me a quick email now) so we know you are coming! https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/home.asp?studioid=32549


Have a wonderful & safe weekend!

If we don’t see you at the studio, get out that workout one way or another!