Make your own HUMMUS!!!

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Happy Monday!

It’s the LAST day of June!!! Holy Moly! ½ way through the year already! It’s mid-year “checkup” time! Set aside some time to reflect your goals accomplished over the last 6 months, and make a plan for the next 6! Write down what you really want to accomplish before the year’s end. NOW is the time to rethink those New Year’s resolutions and make good choices so you don’t have to make any when the new year rolls around. You won’t need make NEW resolutions because you will already doing everything you need to be doing!


PERSISTENCE is doing what it takes (& not giving up) in order to accomplish what really matters. Think about it. Every day, you wake up…and one of the first things you do is brush your teeth. You don’t ever catch yourself saying “I don’t have time today…I will make up for it later”. Because it REALLY MATTERS! Every week, you spend hours dedicated to planning out your weekend events (social, kid activities, travel, etc)…and you probably don’t catch yourself saying “you don’t have time” for those things either. So why is it when it comes to eating good foods, getting exercise DAILY, rest…”you don’t have time”?! Make the most important thing THE most important thing…this week, and ALWAYS! PERSISTENCE delivers results!


The Dailey Recipe: HUMMUS!!!! The 4th of July means cookouts…and usually lots of unhealthy options for the party table. This year, add something BETTER to the table! (& save money + get better quality by making your own!)


  • THANK YOU to everyone who has committed to the week by signing up online! But WHAT is going on for tonight?! Only 2? What are you waiting for?! This class is going to be OFF THE HOOK! We need 2 more!!! Who’s IN?!


CREATE your BEST week ever!