Posts Tagged ‘Tabata’

Live like YOU are on the front row!!!

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“Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion singulair medication.” ~Hebbel

TGIF warriors near and far!!!

Just because it’s Friday doesn’t mean you need to stop gettin’ after your goals! LIVE BIG this weekend! Enjoy some down time, social time, and don’t forget to find some balance with good nutrition & fitness!!! If you’re in Greensboro, Katie is coaching a great HIIT/Tabata session at the gym-9am…so if you haven’t signed up…YOU SHOULD! This one is always more fun with a big crew!

Remember that life is all about choices, and the outcome of each day is a direct result of the choices you make! This picture says it all! Live like YOU are on the front row…not the 3rd!!!



Have an EXTRAORDINARY weekend & CELEBRATE all the DADs in your life!