Take the CHALLENGE!!!

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Happy Monday!

What a beautiful start to the week! Get outside to soak some of this good stuff up!


This week’s “W.O.W.” = BELIEVE…and if you are hitting a plateau in your health & fitness goals, you must BELIEVE that a little more hard work will bust you through the hump to your next victory! If you are finding it hard to stick to your program due to a busy schedule…you have to BELIEVE that you are worth it & MAKE your workouts happen!


The Dailey CHALLENGE: Identify 3 things you know you should be doing to be more successful, but you are not doing it. Write them down, post them on your mirrors and keep a copy in your pocket. And Start Doing Them! You will feel better soon as you begin and you will be putting action behind what you know. I promise when you start doing that, you will see positive changes that will leave you looking for more.


Your Dailey Thought…

“If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to BELIEVE that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.”~ Roopleen