The time is NOW!

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2 DAYS….left in 2013!

How will YOU end this year?

Will your next 2 days be filled with reflection of accomplishment, success, & change you created? Will you have GRATTITUDE for not only the victories, but the failures too? Will you CELEBRATE things you did over the course of the year to get BETTER? I hope so!!!


The great Dalai Lama once said: “There are only two days in the year when nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly live.”  The time is always NOW!

The New Year is typically brought in with lots of RESOLUTIONS-most of which are empty promises one makes to feel better about the choices they have made leading up to the resolution. Where you are in life is exactly where you are supposed to be as a result of the things you either HAVE or HAVE NOT done, thought, said, or attempted. Remember your achievements (or lack thereof) of 2013 are a product of both your actions and inactions. Make sure your 2014 benefits from this look in the rear view mirror and do something NOW to live your BEST!


THE STUDIO IS OPEN TOMORROW!!! Who doesn’t NEED a good workout after the Christmas holiday? (I know I do!) Regular class & 1-1 training schedule all day Monday, and Tues. AM.  (Studio closed on Wed, but regular schedule/hours resume on Thursday!) **So far, a skeleton crew is pre-registered for the classes! SIGN UP NOW for classes if you are even considering a good sweat! Any class with less than 4 will be cancelled!