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Monday is ALMOST here!

Are you READY to leave your mark on the world this week? Are you READY to attack your goals? Are you READY to BE GREAT this week? Let’s DO IT!


The “W.O.W.” = SIMPLICITY! The state of being simple. Such an easy concept to understand, yet we struggle to live this way. This week, concentrate on doing the simple things REALLY WELL. Get 8 hours of sleep each night. Eat REAL food-including lots of fruits & veggies. MOVE MORE-exercise at least 3-4 times this week! Get the basics right…and you will become unstoppable!


Studio news: PLAN to do something AWESOME! Here’s the class lineup for the week:

Monday-Strength & Conditioning

Tuesday-Metabolic “timed event”

Wednesday-Body in Balance

Thursday-Strength & Conditioning


Saturday-Balanced Body in Motion (speed strength!)

Sign up & prepare for greatness!!!


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” –Albert Einstein