What’s in YOUR pizza???
Happy HUMP Day!
Man! This week is FYING!
Just a reminder that there is a FREE Thai Yoga Massage workshop here at the studio on Friday! 6:30-8pm. It’s a great way to not only learn to give massage, but you get to receive it too! If you are interested in finding out the details, email or call me ASAP! There’s plenty of room but RSVP is helpful so we know how many to plan for!
The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: Who doesn’t love PIZZA?!?! You’d better get good at MAKING YOUR OWN if want to keep it clean! Check out the latest article the Food Babe sent out this am! http://foodbabe.com/2014/03/23/if-youve-ever-eaten-pizza-before-this-will-blow-your-mind/
The Dailey Thought…
“The path to all great things passes through failure. Stay focused on your dreams.” ~Unknown
Have a great night!!!