Celebrate small victories every day!

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“For every finish-line tape a runner breaks – complete with the cheers of the crowd and the clicking of hundreds of cameras – there are the hours of hard and often lonely work that rarely gets talked about.” ~Grete Waitz

The victory of reaching any important goal in life is quite the same! There is ALWAYS hard work involved & how much you put forth in order to reach your goals is worth talking about! The small victories reached EVERY day as you do what is necessary to create change should be celebrated! When others know how hard you worked to get there…they will be even more excited for you when you cross your finish line!


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: Start every lunch & dinner with a salad & you will end up eating less…and HEALTHIER!


GOT PAIN?! The myofascial trigger point educational seminar is this upcoming Sat, Feb 28 @ 10:30am. Guaranteed to give you valuable insight behind the triggers for pain, and what you can do to eliminate it! This seminar is FREE and open to everyone. Whether your pain is related to injury, sport, work, or other diagnosis…take advantage of this learning opportunity! Tell your friends/family & please invite them too. RSVP required so we can plan accordingly. A quick email reply is all you need to get your name on the list! Hope to see you there!


***Speaking of hard work…Monday is HURRICANE day at the studio! Who’s going to celebrate THAT victory?! Sign up!!!