CREATE your greatness!

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“We’re here for a good time
Not a long time
So have a good time
The sun can’t shine every day important link.”

~Peter Twist


Make the most of every day! Whatever the day delivers!  CREATE your best moments and don’t wait for them to happen. No matter how many obstacles the day may bring your way…find the GOOD that speckles the path! There is always a lot of GOOD…and sometimes you just have to seek it!


The Dailey VISUAL AID Tip: 1 cup = a baseball! Make sure you keep your portions in control! Eating out? You can rest assured that you will be served double, even triple one serving (or more!). Split your meals or plan for a takeout portion! Save money AND calories by eating out SMART!


Sunday nights are for PLANNING!!! What’s your BHAG for the week? (BIG, Hairy Audacious Goal!) Choose one-lose one! What is ONE habit you are willing to lose this week in order to GAIN one that will help you reach your goals! ONE week…try it! What do you have to lose?!


ALWAYS….Bring your own sunshine!