Dailey Mail 1/13/13

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Happy Sunday FUNday!

I don’t know about you, but I have SPRING FEVER today! This weather is INSANE & I hope you have been able to get outside & enjoy it this weekend. There is no doubt that “Old Man Winter” will show his cold and dreary face again, sooner than later…so SEIZE THE MOMENT!!!

This week’s “W.O.W.” is MAINTAIN! I’m not talking about just hovering where you are and coasting along a comfortable & well known path. I’m talking about MAINTAINING the areas in your life you may be neglecting. Our minds and bodies crave balance, and if we are giving ALL of our efforts towards one or two specific goals, often we lose sight of the overall big picture. Let the word MAINTAIN be strong and present this week. Where have you been neglectful in your physical, nutritional, mental, personal, business, or other aspects of life? Where do you typically back off or quit, rather than MAINTAINING your position & expanding your boundaries/limitations. This week…Step up your game & MAINTAIN to regain focus on your big picture!

*** CLASS UPDATE: SCHEDULE CHANGE!! In case you missed the Friday Dailey Mail, starting this week we now have a Friday 6am Functional Fitness schedule added to the schedule! There will no longer be a WED 6am Flex class! See the attached schedule for a complete day by day listing of all classes. Print it & post it where you will see it (and fill in YOUR goal of the month at the bottom)! Come to any and all classes you can! Remember, in the end…the more you come, the better your results will be!

Tomorrow: 6am & 6pm Functional Fitness! We’re going to start our week STRONG! Who’s with me?

The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: POMEGRANATES! This ruby red fruit is LOADED with health benefits & just may be worthy of making a staple in your nutrition regimen. Pomegranates (& Pomegranate juice) has been linked to: improved heart health; having cancer fighting powers; can lower blood pressure, reduce blood sugar levels, & reduce inflammation. Although the juice is more readily available, the real benefits come from consuming the seeds of the fruit. Since they are only in season & easy to find in certain months of the year, try buying lots when they are available & get the seeds out right away-store in a zip lock bag & freeze!

Have a great rest of your weekend! Get READY for an amazing week ahead!



p.s. your Dailey thought…

“Life is occupied in both perpetuating itself and in surpassing itself; if all it does is MAINTAIN itself, then living is only not dying.” ~Simone de Beauvoir