Dailey Mail 1/15/13

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Winter is BACK! On days like this we need to BRING OUR OWN SUNSHINE! Think POSITIVE thoughts. Let movement warm your soul. Take ACTION to perform at your highest level today. We can make a million excuses for not getting something done today, but only ACTIONS produce RESULTS! Make it happen!

The Dailey IMMUNE BOOSTING Tip: EAT ASPARAGUS! This spear-shaped vegetable is truly a weapon for your health! Packed with antioxidants, asparagus ranks among the top fruits and vegetables for its ability to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. Asparagus is also rich in folate, which works with vitamin B12 to help keep your brain healthy. Cooking asparagus minimizes its folate, so enjoy it raw. Simply wash the asparagus and snap off the tough part, leaving the easily digestible, tender portion of the stem. For a one-two immunity punch, dip your asparagus in your garlic salad dressing!

CLASS UPDATE! Can you believe we are already HALF WAY THROUGH January? Functional FLEX tonight at 6pm! The room will be cozy & warm while we realign our minds & bodies to restore balance & function! Bring a mat or use one of mine! If you have any particular areas of interest that you would like me to address, let me know! Tomorrow we have Flex again at 9:30am, & we’ll crank up the energy with a Functional Fitness class at 6pm! Who’s in?!

Help me FIGHT CANCER! Participate in a study that will CHANGE LIVES & help cancer research find a CURE! I joined this study a few years ago, and have signed up with the local Relay for Life/ACS office to help get more folks on board with this study. It cost you NOTHING, it is super easy to sign up, and after your initial registration you are done. www.cps3Triad.org Contact me for details on this & PLEASE….be a part of this study with me!

Tomorrow’s HUMP day!



p.s. your Dailey thought…

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” ~Will Rogers