Dailey Mail 1/24/13
Bundle up! It’s down right COLD around here!
As you plow through your day, consider this thought:
“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” — John F Kennedy
Strong words to remind us to stay focused as we push forward to reach our goals & create change in any aspect of our lives.
The Dailey ARTHRITIS FIGHTING Tip: GREEN TEA! Studies show that certain antioxidant compounds in the brew lessen the incidence and severity of arthritis. It works by lowering the production of inflammation-causing substances in the body that can cause joint damage. As if there weren’t enough reasons to drink green tea…you can now add one more to the list! 3-4 cups a day. Skip the decaffeinated version, which robs the tea of some of the helpful nutrients. Although it won’t make your arthritis pain go away…it can help!
CLASS UPDATE: GAME ON TOMORROW!!! With the winter weather moving in later in the day on Friday, both the 6am & 9:30am Functional Fitness classes are in the clear! Let’s end the work week STRONG by getting the workout behind you early! Let’s face it, if the weather does turn ugly tomorrow afternoon…there is a good likelihood that you will blow your workout off! Now as soon as I say the coast is clear for us…something could change. Be sure to check your email before class just to be sure there are no changes-just in case! I will post any cancellations/delays via email.
The “W.O.W.” (word of the week) is RESULTS…celebrate your RESULTS (big or small) today!
The weekend is almost here!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“The freedom to move forward to new opportunities and to produce RESULTS comes from living in the present, not the past.” ~Brian Koslow