Dailey Mail 2/24/13
Happy Sunday everyone!
Hope you had a fantastic weekend! I had an amazing time learning some new tricks of the trade from some of the BEST in the fitness industry this weekend at the Perform Better seminar is Charlotte. I can’t wait to introduce some new concepts & re-apply some old ones to my clients this week! I want to encourage YOU to do something this week too -that will help you to get BETTER, and set you apart from the rest! In order to get BETTER at anything, you have to make time for it. You can’t make excuses. You can’t procrastinate. EMBRACE change & go after it with passion! Small steps every day really add up!
The DAILEY CHALLENGE: ELIMINATE HARMFUL INGREDIENTS FROM YOUR DIET! No matter what your health & fitness goals are, your diet is at least 80% responsible for your success. I always say, “you can’t out train a bad diet” and it’s true! Check out this simple list of 9 ingredients to avoid at all costs. If you can do this, I can PROMISE you will get results!
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=572790079397770&set=a.481461341863978.116652.481459875197458&type=1&theater (let me know if you can’t open it!)
CLASS UPDATE: SCHEDULE CHANGE STARTING TOMORROW!!! Don’t forget that we now have a 9:30 Functional Fitness class on Mondays!!! That means we have 3 fitness classes to choose from every Monday with 6am, 9:30am, & 6pm available! What an AWESOME way to start each and every week! Attached is the revised & set schedule. Print it out and post it where you can see it every day!
If you are coming to a class tomorrow, let me know! A quick text or email is perfect! THANKS!
Let’s get ready for an OUTSTANDING week ahead! Set your TOP 5 list for the week, and let’s CRUSH IT!