Dailey Mail 3/19/13
Hello there!
BOY! Is it good to see some sunshine here in Greensboro or WHAT?! Sunshine has a lovely way of bringing SIMPLICITY & balance to any day, but particularly when spring is knocking on our back door!
I subscribe to several daily emails that provide motivation, tips, & other fun stuff. Since SIMPLIFY is the “W.O.W.”, I had to share my ‘Biz Tip” of the day from Global Teleclass: “Throw away old books & clothes you’re not using and get rid of other clutter in your environment. They drain your energy.” If you find yourself stressed throughout the day, take a look around you. Is your desk/office/home cluttered with piles? Even if they “make sense”, they add stress to your life. Organize, purge, and make room for POSITIVE energy!
The Dailey ANXIETY MANAGEMENT Tip: EAT FOOD NOT PILLS! Let’s face it, drugs have side effects, and even worse-your body builds up a tolerance to them over time lessening their effectiveness to do the job! Next time you feel anxious, over stressed, or even sense a panic attack coming on…consider eating foods that release the same neurotransmitters that prescription drugs provide. Increase Gaba (your naturally produced “Zanex”) by eating Kefir, Kimchi, & drinking Oolong Tea. Increase your tryptophan (amino acid & precursor to serotonin) by eating pumpkin seeds, edamame, or shrimp. To calm you once you are in the height of anxiety or panic, you need to increase your magnesium & B6…so eat Nori (seaweed) or Quinoa. Imagine no anxiety AND no side effects!? Might be worth a try!
CLASS UPDATE: GOT REQUESTS?! From music selection to favorite athletic drills to aches & pains you want/need to address…let me know! I try hard to appeal to the masses and give EVERYONE exactly what they need to succeed…but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to know what would be a part of your best class/workout EVER! If you don’t ASK, the answer is always NO. So let me know what floats your boat!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“SIMPLICITY is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough.” ~Charles Dudley Warner