Dirty Mouth?! Clean it up with….
Whether you like ‘em or not…Mondays come at us every week! You have a choice, to LOVE ‘em or hate ‘em. Might as well choose “LOVE” ‘em…as that attitude can set the precedence for the rest of the week!
Your “W.O.W.” is THANKFUL! It’s a pretty popular word this week with the Thanksgiving holiday on Thurs., but it should be a staple in your words & actions- 365 days/year. Living with an “attitude of gratitude” is a noble thing. It’s amazing how a simple “THANK YOU” can change a person’s day. Today…show how THANKFUL you are to at least one person (maybe even a stranger).
The Dailey “DIRTY MOUTH” Tip: LEMON JUICE & YOGURT! C’mon…you know you worry about it. We ALL get a case of bad breath from time to time. If yours happens to be more frequent than preferred, try adding a teaspoon or more of fresh lemon juice to your unsweetened plain yogurt. The citrus in the lemon will kill the bad bacteria, and the probiotics of the yogurt adds good bacteria. (this can last up to 24 hours!) There are great digestive benefits for doing this as well!
BIG THANKS to Cassie Coon for leading a GREAT “Dailey RPM” spin class this am! What a TREAT for me to actually be able to participate & a great start to the week! If you missed your shot to take this very limited seat class, Cassie has offered to do ONE more this week! WED 11/27 @ 7:30am…sign up online ASAP! First come first serve! Drop in’s welcome…but you will still need to sign up online.
Your Dailey thought…
“If a fellow isn’t THANKFUL for what he’s got, he’s not likely to be THANKFUL for what he’s going to get.” ~Frank A Clark
I’m so THANKFUL for change. It may not always be easy, but it’s proof of life!