Drink Lavender tea for digestive health!
Monday MANIA!
It’s the LAST week before Christmas, and there are only 16 days left in 2013, if you include today! What’s your plan going into the next year??? Do you ever get in your car, turn on the ignition and not know where you are going? Sounds silly right? Well unfortunately that is exactly how many people spent this entire year in terms of their health & fitness goals, career, relationships, & other areas of their lives that they wanted to change. Take these last 16 days of 2013 to set some big goals for yourself. Then take the next 365 days and make them happen!
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: LAVENDER! It’s more than just soothing scent to calm the mind & body…it’s got amazing health benefits too! Did you know that lavender is safe for ALL ages and is an amazing digestive aid? It can help with gas, indigestion, nausea, & low appetite. Best taken as a tea, this little gem is great for kids and adults!
Your Dailey thought…
“You will never go anywhere until you first choose a direction. You must be a goal setter before you can be a goal getter.” ~Martin Rooney
Go into this week with CONFIDENCE that you are worth every bit of investment of time, energy, & effort you give yourself…AND THEN SOME!