Get rid of “bloat”!
It’s amazing how a little REAL Vitamin D can elevate your mood & energy level! If you’re feeling a little smothered right now, stick your head outside for a quick breath of fresh air! It will do your mind and body good!
The “W.O.W.” is DREAM! The main reason a dream doesn’t come to reality is because fear & procrastination get in the way. Let’s face it, dreaming is easy…but putting your dream into ACTION requires facing potential fears, risks, & obstacles. Overcoming these obstacles means we have to change something…which is where most people have the hardest time doing. They simply never get going! If your DREAM is to hit a certain weight goal, to reach a new personal record with your training or sport, to move up the ladder in your career…all I can tell you is that the only risk you run for not going for it NOW, is not taking a risk at all.
CLASS UPDATE: In order to deliver MORE accountability, BETTER classes, & a guaranteed spot in your favorite class as we grow…the online class reservation is highly suggested! In fact, Starting Nov 1, everyone will need to RSVP for all classes online. Ask for details next time you are in the studio!
The Dailey ANTI-BLOAT Tip: LEMON, PARSLEY, & PINEAPPLE…just to name a few foods you can eat the help you de-bloat! Watch the salty foods as they will make you retain water and create more bloat. Drink more water! And get your sweat on!!! Nothing like a good workout to help flush the system!
Your Dailey thought…
“Happy are those who DREAM dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.” ~Leon Joseph Cardinal Suenens