Get to the bottom of BLOAT!
Hellllooooo 2014!
Ready or not…it’s GO TIME!!!
I hope you took my advice before the year ended and made a list of the 20 PROMISES that you will fulfill in 2014. I made mine! Get ready…because my list will likely affect YOU in some way or another-even if your only contact with me is these emails! I practice what I preach….and I can assure you that the BEST way to see your dreams come to fruition is to take them seriously. Plan for them. PROMISE yourself that they can & will happen! Remember, promises are meant to be kept!
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: Dr Jillian Teta is starting off the new year with more helpful information! We’ve ALL experienced “bloating”, but do you ever stop to find out the cause? Dr. Teta explains: “Bloating can be caused by gas, water or fat. In order to help guide you to see which one it is, take measurements of your midsection at the bellybutton before you go to bed and after you get up in the morning, first thing. A greater than an inch difference from morning to evening will indicate that it’s most likely air. If the amount is less than an inch of gets gradually smaller over a few days, it’s likely water (especially if you eat something you are sensitive too/excess carbs/etc). If the amount stays steady, it’s likely that you have gained some fat.”
CLASS UPDATE: We now have a regular “spin” class (a.k.a. Dailey RPM) on the schedule for Saturdays! Cassie Coon is teaching & hoping to see a full house on Sat…and there are 3 spots left! Sign up online now to reserve your spot!
Your Dailey Thought…
“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.” ~Brian Tracy