How are your 2014 “PROMISES” going so far???
“There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth…not going all the way, and not starting.” ~Buddha
How are YOU doing in this first FULL week of 2014 in regards to attacking your “PROMISES”?!
The time is NOW! If you think next week will be better, or you just need to clear one more thing off of your schedule before you get started…guess what??? It will NEVER happen!
Little steps every day add up to A LOT of steps! Take one today & claim your victory!!!
The Dailey Health Tip: Avoid the post-lunch energy slump by having a protein-dense breakfast and lunch! Breakfasts such as packaged oatmeal, cereal, & toast are hardly going to have lasting power unless you add protein such as eggs, yogurt, etc. Same goes for lunch! A good balance of protein, carbs and healthy fats is always the key to a perfect meal/snack. Skipping either meal is a HUGE no-no, and will sabotage your metabolism!
Check the online schedule for weekend class additions AND workshops!!! This month we are going to have a GREAT workshop on Friday, Jan 24! Joel Tull will be teaching a Thai Yoga Massage clinic with HANDS-ON learning!!!! Following that is a SOCIAL for some early Friday night fun!
The weekend is ALMOST here!