Is Stevia good or bad???

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Aren’t Mondays GREAT?!

It sure is great to be BACK in the trenches today! Snow days are always fun…but motivating people to MOVE is what I live for! What made my day today?? Hearing how ACTIVE my students have been over the last few days in the snow (without injury!) & to hear them brag about some of the physical “gold medal moments” experienced-true testimonials of how our training CHANGES lives!


The countdown is ON! Exactly ONE week from today our TEAM will be pushing forward HARD for 6 weeks to REACH MORE GOALS! All of those “promises” you made at the turning of the new year that haven’t happened…are going to happen! If you haven’t joined the TEAM yet, or have not set up your appointment to get the before-assessment…do it! My available time slots are filling up quickly! You just need 15-20 minutes! How will you really KNOW what’s changing if we don’t have a baseline to measure your real progress?!


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: STEVIA…GOOD OR BAD?! Might want to check out this article to help you decide if you should  use it or not! Part of the RESET coming up is taking a good hard look at WHAT we put into our bodies! If you really KNOW what you put into your body and still choose ingredients that are proven to be bad for your health, that’s OK! Just as long as you know WHY you feel bad, never have enough energy, can’t recover from week to week, constantly battle illness & injury, and ultimately never get the RESULTS you are after!


Your Dailey Thought…

“Your potential is like gravity. Just because you can’t see it right now doesn’t mean it is not there.” ~Martin Rooney


CREATE your best week EVER!