Mon Dailey Mail 4/8/13
Wow! What a perfect day out (minus the pollen)! Steal ANY time you can get to soak up some fresh air! I took my hour long conference call outside today, and BOY was it a refreshing way to focus on my business! I highly recommend it if possible!
The “W.O.W.” is INTENTION! How different would your day be if you were completely honest with yourself & took ACTION on every good INTENTION you had? Let’s be honest, we all “lie” to ourselves from time to time- in order to avoid accountability & follow through. Example: “It won’t really make a big impact on my diet if I eat that one donut-besides, I worked out hard this morning so I earned it!” These so called justifications limit your success. Today, and all week long, live by your INTENTION in any aspect of your life you seek to get better!
The Dailey Health Tip: TO DETOX OR NOT TO DETOX? It’s been a growing phenomena, and I am constantly asked about my thoughts on this subject. “Detoxing” is not something that you DO, it is something that is DONE for you. Your body is already detoxifying 24/7. There is no magic juice or product or plan that is going to help you “detox” – you already are! The best thing you can do to support your liver is to eat a high vegetable diet, year round.
The DAILEY CHALLENGE: COME OUT TO MU FUNDRAISER THIS SUNDAY! As most of you know, Dailey Fitness has a Relay for Life team every year that gets out in the community and raises money to FIGHT CANCER! This Sunday, 4/14 we’ll be at 1618 Wine Lounge (see attached flyer) from 2-5pm. We have live music from The Windy Hill Trio, a huge silent auction, great wines to taste, food, and even some cornhole & ladder golf games going on too! PLEASE come out for a good cause if cancer is something you’d like to eliminate!
CLASS UPDATE: Fitness & Flex tomorrow. Let me know which class you are coming to if you haven’t already! I’m plotting & scheming something AWESOME!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Plans are only good INTENTIONS unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” ~Peter F. Drucker