Soulful Sunday! 4/7/13
It’s Soulful Sunday!
What a GORGEOUS day in front of us! I hope you have BIG plans to get outside and soak up the beauty of today to feed your soul!
Today, make some plans for the week ahead. Think of what you would like to achieve this week that could set this week apart from all the others. Know that you can do anything you set your mind to. You are the author of your own life. You have the ability to change your life with unlimited potential. As you set your TOP 5 list for the week (top 5 things you most want to achieve this week), set the bar high. Set goals that will earn you “bragging rights” & empower you to do more!
The “W.O.W.” is INTENTION! A course of action that one intends to follow; an aim that guides action; a determination to act in a certain way. We all have INTENTIONS, and most often they are really good ones! Don’t lose sight of your true intentions this week. Follow them, pursue them, and OWN them! Simply put, DO what you INTEND to this week with everything you do…with nutrition, with exercise, with work, with relationships, with community! As Yoda says, “Do or DO NOT, there is no try”!
The Dailey MENTAL HEALTH Tip: Do you ever wake with morning anxiety? Check what you have eaten the day before. Caffeine, alcohol and even certain foods like wheat-containing products and sugar can cause anxiety.
CLASS UPDATE: Monday there are 3 Functional Fitness classes: 6am, 9:30am, & 6pm! If you are making plans to attend, let me know which one you are coming to! Spring Break is over, and it’s time to get back at it with INTENTION!
Live today with GREAT INTENT!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you”