Spinach Shots Anyone?!
Hey Monday Maniacs!
Hope you are having a great start to an EXTRAORDINARY week!
I recently got some great advice from one of my mentors: “If you want to be a champion… Then learn to force yourself to act differently than you feel.” You see, being a champion at anything (in life or sport) won’t just happen. Only with commitment, focus, and yes…sometimes ACTING can we be that champion. We will all be “too tired” to work out some days, unmotivated to push our limits other days, or just “not in the mood” to aspire to reach new heights. Those are the days we have to ACT on fire…in order to BE on fire! Remember my great mentor the next time you sell yourself short of anything great.
The Dailey Tip: SHOTS ANYONE?! SPINACH SHOTS that is!!! I’m all over finding new ideas for getting EXTRA fruits and veggies into the day! Found this super easy recipe to get your greens in, and it’s got tons of great health benefits! In a blender, mix up 3 large handfuls of FRESH spinach; ¼ lemon; & 1 green apple. You will get mega doses of vitamins, minerals, omega 3’s. This little concoction helps alkalize the body, lower blood pressure, aids in digestion, & MORE!
Your Dailey thought…
“We must overcome the notion that we must be regular…it robs you of the chance to be EXTRAORDINARY and leads you to the mediocre.” ~Uta Hagen
*** Save the date!!! Grand Opening Sat Oct 12! 10am-2pm! (Less than 2 weeks!) Bring your friends, family, coworkers in to see our new studio!!! There will be LOTS of giveaways, a few vendors here to educate you on skin care, massage, eating right, & more! Help me spread the word!