Sunday Dailey Mail 4/21/13
A NEW week is in front of us!
Before we dive into this new week, PLAN for it! Write out your TOP 5 list for the week. Schedule your workouts on your calendar so they don’t get pushed down on the priority list. Make your meals/snacks for tomorrow now so you can avoid the pitfalls of being unprepared. A little extra effort now will help you perform at a higher level this week!
“When you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” Let this thought drive you to push yourself out of the comfort zone this week. What area of your life are you in a plateau? Change breeds excitement! To get to a higher level at anything, we have to be willing to create the change necessary to get there! GO BIG!
The Dailey OPTIMAL HEALTH Tip: ORGANIC VEGETABLE POWDER! It’s estimated that less than 14-16% of men & women in their mid 30’s-mid 40’s actually get the RDA of 5 servings of vegetables each day. (even LESS in younger populations) That means 84-86% of you are NOT eating the minimum requirement of vegetables…and this is detrimental to your health, energy levels, and even your rest! If I’m talking about you….or someone in your family, organic vegetable powder just might be an option worth trying. Add it to orange juice for a great NATURAL energy drink, add it to pasta sauce-soups-or any dish that it might mix well with. Be sure to read the ingredient list and get powder only made from real food & does not contain any chemical additives.
CLASS UPDATE: 3 Functional Fitness classes tomorrow! Start your week STRONG with a world-class workout! If you’ve got classes to make up, or you are nearing the end of your current series…don’t procrastinate on getting to class! If you don’t use ’em…you lose ’em!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Tomorrow is GO TIME!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in” ~Greek Proverb