Sunday Dailey Mail 4/28/13
It’s a soggy Sunday FUNday!
Hope you are making the most of this dreary day by getting something crossed off of your TOP 5 list…even if it’s simply to REST!
With a new week quickly approaching, it’s time to plan for it! Write out your TOP 5 list of goals you need to reach this week! I encourage you to do this each and every week because if you do it, it WORKS! Prioritizing will help to keep you on task & focused so you don’t lose sight of your end result! If you’re setting goals that tend to reappear week after week, as they don’t get crossed off…CHANGE THEM! Set yourself up for success by giving yourself something NEW to focus on for a change!
The “W.O.W.” is FUEL! Our minds, bodies, jobs, relationships, community, economy, our existence….ALL need FUEL. Finding the right FUEL for any aspect of your life is going to be the key to your success in that area. Pushing any aspect of your life on an empty fuel tank is a recipe for disaster. This week, prepare to perform at optimal levels by FUELING for success! FUEL your body with foods that fight disease, not fuel it. Fuel your mind or career with a book, mentor/coach, or workshop that will encourage you to try a new approach. FUEL your community by volunteering with a charity or community project. FUEL for life!
CLASS UPDATE: MONDAY MADNESS!! We have 3 great opportunities for functional fitness…come get yours! 6am, 9:30am, & 6pm! No matter what time you come, I CHALLENGE you all to get there on time! Too many folks showing up 5 or more minutes LATE-class after class! Believe it or not, class CAN’T start without you! Have respect for your fellow class members that manage to get there early, and create the best hour possible for yourself by actually getting the full hour! NO REGRETS! 🙂
It’s almost GO TIME! FUEL UP!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, there is a FUEL in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.”
~Johann Gottfried Von Herder