The countdown is ON!

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“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” –Jim Rohn

There are now only 9 more full days remaining in this year before we ALL take on the challenges of 2015. It’s the perfect time to do a year-end review of your success/lack thereof with your goals for 2014…so you can set NEW goals & PROMISES to yourself to achieve in the new year ahead. If you found you didn’t accomplish all you set out to do this year…take a good look at the DISCLIPLINE & ACTION taken to decide what you can do to make a different impact in 2015.


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: JUMP START your 2015 goals!!! THROW OUT all the junk food, and items in the pantry that have long lists of ingredients on the labels. It’s a perfect time to start with a clean slate! If it’s not in the house, you are less likely to eat it! Donate the canned and packaged products to a local food pantry & only buy what you NEED moving forward. Try to buy foods with a true expiration date-as in they will go bad if you don’t eat them within a few days!


CLASS UPDATE: Please note that there was a data entry ERROR when putting the 9:00am class on the schedule for Tuesday (tomorrow)-regularly 9:30! However, Due to request, we are KEEPING the class at 9am tomorrow! If you don’t usually train on Tuesdays because of the later start time, maybe you CAN come tomorrow and get in an extra session before the holiday! Metabolic Circuit…should be a good one! SIGN UP!


Happy MONDAY!!!