The “W.O.W.” = CHANGE!

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“Most of us are anxious to improve our circumstances but unwilling to improve ourselves” 
–James Allen


Happy Sunday WARRIORS!

The “W.O.W.” = CHANGE! The world is in a constant state of CHANGE, the same goes for our bodies! If we can’t physically avoid CHANGE…then why should we limit ourselves mentally? This week, CHANGE your mindset! Eliminate a limiting belief system. Want bigger results, try CHANGING your approach with diet + exercise. Take on a goal BIGGER than you’ve ever thought possible. CHOOSE CHANGE, before it chooses you!


*** FREE RUNNING CLINIC this Tuesday, 9/23 @ 12pm! Valuable information for those thinking about running their first mile, or taking on a marathon! Peter Barusic is going to give us some great tips, and even give gait analysis for those interested! This clinic is open to everyone, so bring a friend! Please let me know if you plan to attend!


In the studio this week:

Mon-Total Body Strength & Conditioning

Tue-Body in Balance (featuring the Patch!)


Thur-Speed Strength (full body weight movements)

Fri-Total Body Strength & Conditioning (with equipment!)

Sat-HURRICANE (8:30am)


CREATE a phenomenal week!