The “W.O.W.” is LIVE!
Happy Wednesday!!!
WHAT A WEEK so far! For everyone missing out on the Dailey Mails…they’re BACK! While typing out my Memorial Day email to you on Monday, my computer DIED! After a temporary hiatus, she seems to be back to life & working-although a little cranky & slow. (Replacement is in the works, so I hope to avoid future crashes!) I hope this email finds you well into a fantastic short week! It’s HUMP DAY already!!
Happy BELATED Memorial Day! Hoping you had a great holiday weekend and took some time to reflect the meaning of Memorial Day-to honor the fallen warriors who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their LIVES, so that we may live free! *** The “W.O.W.” is LIVE! All we have is today, so LIVE it to the fullest. LIVE your BEST! LIVE with no regrets. This isn’t a suggestion to throw caution to the wind and be careless or reckless, but merely encouragement to put your best foot forward each and every day you are granted on this earth. To procrastinate & put something off until tomorrow is to assume we will have a tomorrow. LIVE for yourself, your family, your loved ones, your teammates…LIVE for your mission in life!
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: READ THOSE LABELS! For those of you who eat canned tuna: TAKE NOTE! Even when it says “packed in water” many brands (including Star Kist and Bumblebee) pack tuna in a broth that contains soy and other ingredients. Misleading? A bit, but serves as a good reminder to *always* read labels when buying packaged foods!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“If you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you haven’t done much today.” ~Author Unknown