The “W.O.W.” is RESPECT!!!
Happy Sunday FUNday!
It’s a gorgeous day out, so I hope you’ve been able to get outside to enjoy it! A new week is before us…filled with endless opportunity to get BETTER! It’s time to write out your new TOP 5 list for the week & plan for success!
The “W.O.W.” is RESPECT! Specifically…RESPECT yourself! Before you can ever treat anyone else better, you must first RESPECT yourself. This week, don’t sell yourself short. RESPECT your body by fueling it with good clean nutrition…not a bunch of crap. RESPECT yourself by doing your personal best: in your workouts, at your job, as a parent/spouse/friend. Most people do not positively see themselves as people with endless potential. When you are doing your best for yourself, those around you will be able to raise to a higher level as well. Only when you are in a positive, healthy environment will you have the potential to grow. What area will you show yourself more RESPECT this week???
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: EAT YOUR FIBER!!! The BEST sources of fiber are found in vegetables! Sweet potatoes, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, parsnips, beets, asparagus, artichokes, cauliflower, & cabbage are just a few options packing good fiber! Be sure to get at least 4-5 servings of veggies in every day!
Your Dailey thought…
“RESPECT your efforts, RESPECT yourself. Self-RESPECT leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.”
~Clint Eastwood.