There are no setbacks, only COMEBACKS!
“No one likes losing. It sucks. But many of life’s greatest lessons come after a loss. It’s how you respond to setback, devastation, or loss that reveals character and ultimately allows you to win.” ~Todd Durkin
Treat every SETBACK as a chance to learn, grow and COMEBACK better than you were before!
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: UNDERSTANDING the WHEAT EPIDEMIC! I have been baffled as to why I could eat wheat products as a kid & much of my adult life, yet for some reason over the last few years have found it to be problematic for me. This is a great article that breaks it down & explains how the harvesting of wheat has changed over the years. When you have a moment, take a read and give it some thought:
“GYM RULE” # 1: BE CONSISTENT AND BE ON TIME! Take this rule to heart with every important thing you do-not just your training practices. When you’re constantly scrambling to find consistency & you’re battling the clock to get to something important on time…you add STRESS to your day.
Dailey Fitness Group Training Students: We’ve talked about it for a while, and now it’s going to happen! To help set this “rule” into your mindset…and to encourage everyone to respect the training hour & each other-the gym doors are going to be LOCKED at the start of each practice! You show up late, you’re gonna have to wait to get in! It’s NOT punishment…it’s ENCOURAGEMENT to honor your time & to get the most from your commitment!
Today, give your BEST! For your very BEST is always enough!