Tue Dailey Mail 3/26/13

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Hello Beautiful People!
As we end this fabulous day, I want share something I stumbled upon today to give you something to think about:
“The five W’s of life:
Who you are is what makes you special. Don’t change for anyone.
What lies ahead will always be a mystery. Don’t be afraid to explore.
When life pushes you over, push back harder.
Where there are choices to make, make the one you won’t regret.
Why things happen will never be certain. Take it in stride and move forward.”
And if nothing else….Just “SUCK IT UP” & remember that your best is GOOD ENOUGH!!! 

CLASS UPDATE: AMAZING JOB today with the “hurricane” workouts in the fitness classes! The flex class was a wonderful balance to the day & oh how sweet to end it with daylight! Tomorrow there is only ONE class…functional fitness at 6pm! Who’s coming, and what is ONE goal you want to reach tomorrow in that class? I NEED to know! 

REST WELL…and DREAM BIG tonight!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Work for a cause, not applause. Live life to express, not impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt.” ~Author Unknown