Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category


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Happy Sunday FUNday!
“Great moments are born from great opportunities.” – Herb Brooks
Keep these words in mind as you charge forward into the week ahead! Every day we are faced with countless opportunities, many of which slip through our fingers because we procrastinate, hesitate, or 2nd guess ourselves. This week, seize opportunity big & small…and create YOUR great moment!
CONGRATS to the WINNERS of the Massage drawing!!! There were a select few individuals that arrived to every class ON TIME during the entire month of May! WAY TO GO PEOPLE!! To ensure the drawing was fair-the names were thrown into a bowl & my husband did the honors of drawing 3 names (1 from each class time-6am, 9:30am, & 6pm).  The following proud winners are getting a 1 hour Therapeutic Massage with massage therapist, Joey Wall! She is the “cat’s meow” when it comes to hot stone & deep tissue work! Claim your gift certificates this week!
9:30am- BEV HERING!
Write your TOP 5 list for the week, PLAN for success, & BE READY to work hard at your goals! Nothing good ever comes easy…so avoid the path of least resistance this week. CREATE GREATNESS!


p.s. your Dailey thought…

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” ~ John Wooden

The power of EUCALYPTUS!

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Tomorrow is the LAST day of May!!!
End this month STRONG! Reflect on your goals from the month and celebrate your victories. Even if you didn’t reach them all, there great accomplishments under your belt! Maybe you even crushed a goal that wasn’t even on your list! June is a NEW month filled with opportunity & chances to get BETTER! There will definitely be obstacles that will interfere with your overall health & fitness goals (vacations, kid’s being out of school, etc.), so PLAN for them now! A solid plan going into a hectic season will keep you focused and on track!
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: It is common in Italy to find fresh sprigs of Eucalyptus casually tied on to shower heads. When you take a hot bath or shower, the steam will release the eucalyptus oils. Eucalyptus is a natural decongestant, taking a shower with one can help to clear up sinuses and loosen cough. At the least, you will feel energized from the amazing scent!
CLASS UPDATE: SUMMER SCHEDULE CHANGE??? I’m thinking about adding a new class time! There has been some interest in seeing a shift in the current 9:30am Functional Fitness class to an earlier time. Who’s in for a 7:30am Functional Fitness??? Likely only 2 days/week…with the 9:30am on different days-also 2 days/week. There will be NO CHANGE to the 6am or 6pm classes currently on the schedule! I need your feedback!!!
Flex tonight at 6pm for anyone needing to find a calming balance in their life today! Drop-In’s welcome…so no worries if you are not currently signed up for a month of classes!


p.s. your Dailey thought…

“Incomprehensible things come to those who believe & never give up in their desires, regardless of the situation. Dream monumental!” ~ Travis Sample

The “W.O.W.” is LIVE!

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Happy Wednesday!!!
WHAT A WEEK so far! For everyone missing out on the Dailey Mails…they’re BACK! While typing out my Memorial Day email to you on Monday, my computer DIED! After a temporary hiatus, she seems to be back to life & working-although a little cranky & slow. (Replacement is in the works, so I hope to avoid future crashes!)  I hope this email finds you well into a fantastic short week! It’s HUMP DAY already!!
Happy BELATED Memorial Day! Hoping you had a great holiday weekend and took some time to reflect the meaning of Memorial Day-to honor the fallen warriors who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their LIVES, so that we may live free! *** The “W.O.W.” is LIVE! All we have is today, so LIVE it to the fullest. LIVE your BEST! LIVE with no regrets. This isn’t a suggestion to throw caution to the wind and be careless or reckless, but merely encouragement to put your best foot forward each and every day you are granted on this earth. To procrastinate & put something off until tomorrow is to assume we will have a tomorrow. LIVE for yourself, your family, your loved ones, your teammates…LIVE for your mission in life!
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: READ THOSE LABELS! For those of you who eat canned tuna: TAKE NOTE! Even when it says “packed in water” many brands (including Star Kist and Bumblebee) pack tuna in a broth that contains soy and other ingredients. Misleading? A bit, but serves as a good reminder to *always* read labels when buying packaged foods!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“If you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you haven’t done much today.”  ~Author Unknown


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Your Dailey thought…
“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”
Sometimes it’s totally worth taking the “scenic” route! Live & learn along the way!!!
Enjoy this holiday weekend, wherever it takes you! As you savor a long weekend with the day off on Monday…Remember to give thanks for the many men & women who have sacrificed their lives so that we may live ours!
No classes or 1-1 training sessions on Monday in honor of Memorial Day! Game on for regularly scheduled LIFE on Tuesday!
Have a fantastic weekend!

Happy HUMP Day!!!

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WooHoo for Wednesday!!!!
We’re half way through the week…and hopefully half way to reaching your TOP 5 list for the week!
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: HOW LONG IS HONEY SAFE TO EAT??? FOREVER! Honey is the only food that will not rot. A jar of honey will remain edible for over 3000 years! Now, it may get grainy or even turn hard…but it doesn’t go bad! Just warm it up and serve it up if it’s not as runny as you like it! To top that off, honey is full of amazing health benefits. Here are a few of the good ones that top the list: anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, contains cancer preventatives, contains friendly bacteria, promotes blood sugar control, soothes a sore throat, boost immunity…and the list goes ON & ON!
The summer is quickly approaching…and so is bathing suit season! ARE YOU READY?!?! Get your workouts in, do something ACTIVE every day, drink lots of water, & clean up your diet! If that’s not enough, stay tuned for a pre-summer challenge to jump start your program & give you momentum when you NEED it! 
CLASS UPDATE: Don’t forget NO CLASS ON MONDAY, Memorial Day!!! Enjoy the day OFF from everything! 
Take ACTION to get the RESULTS you seek!  

p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.”

The “W.O.W.” is RESULTS!

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Hellllooo my fitness friends!
Hope you are CREATING your best day ever!
Dailey HEATH Tip: LADIES…DID YOU KNOW…that menstrual irregularities, acne and PMS can be a consequence of constipation, food sensitivities or a combination of both? Although ALL of those symptoms can be independently sparked by various triggers, most people are not even aware that their ongoing issues could have a direct correlation with the foods they eat. When you are not pooping regularly, all of your spent hormones get reabsorbed back into the body, contributing to PMS, acne, etc. This interesting tip comes from naturopathic physician, Dr. Jillian Teta-
The “W.O.W.” is RESULTS! I absolutely LOVE this quote from Ghandi: “You may never know what RESULTS come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no RESULTS.” So TRUE! How can we ever know what our full potential is with ANYTHING we hope to achieve, if we don’t go out on a limb to explore the boundaries? Put yourself out there today (if you haven’t already!). Take a chance. Don’t just think about the RESULTS you are hoping for…take ACTION to make them happen!
CLASS UPDATE: Reminder: of the short day on Friday in lieu of the holiday weekend. The morning Functional Fitness classes & private sessions prior to 12:00pm are on as regularly scheduled! However, all sessions after 12:00pm are cancelled. If this affects you, PLEASE join us for a morning class (6am or 9:30am) if you still want to get your last workout of the week in! Monday 5/27 is Memorial Day…and you deserve a day OFF to RELAX! Dailey Fitness will be doing the exactly that! Grill out, enjoy family & friends…but most of all, REMEMBER & HONOR the men and women who have lost their lives serving our country!
Flex at 6pm tonight…who’s ready to “straighten up”?!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
Never leave till tomorrow that which you can do today” ~Benjamin Franklin

Monday Dailey Mail!

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Happy MONDAY! (What’s left of it anyway!)
Hope your week is off to a fantastic start! Don’t let the soggy start hold you back from creating your most amazing week possible! Have you ever noticed that CREATE & REACT have the same letters? Let that fuel you to CREATE GREATNESS this week!
The “W.O.W.” is RESULTS! You know you want them, but what are you going to do this week to get them? Too often we let day to day routine & excuses stand in the way…or we simply choose to take the path of least resistance when it comes to making good choices with nutrition, or pushing ourselves with physical activity. This week, VISUALIZE your most desired end RESULTS! How sweet is the victory going to be when you reach them? Now, raise the bar & dare to take a new path to get there! RESULTS BABY…RESULTS!
The Dailey FAT BURNING Tip: RESISTANCE TRAINING! Are you still in the mindset that in order to burn fat you need to crank out hours of cardio to get it done? NOT TRUE! Overall, resistance training burns the most calories. You see, when you do cardio, your only burning calories during the activity. However, with resistance training, you not only burn calories during the activity…but you keep burning them for up to 48 hours AFTER the workout too! Resistance training also jacks up the metabolism, improves insulin resistance & shuts down the fat-storing enzymes in your body. Cardio should be a part of any solid health & wellness program, but to get the MOST bang for your buck…be sure you are getting a MINIMUM of 3-4 resistance training workouts every week!
CLASS UPDATE: We’re kicking off the day with 2 functional fitness classes at 6 & 9:30am, and ending the day with flex at 6pm! Get RESULTS this week by coming to to an EXTRA class this week, or attending something out of the norm for your routine.

p.s. your Dailey thought…“Nobody ever drowned in sweat!” ~Jack “Bear” Roberts


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Sunday FUNday!
Whether your version on FUN today consists of athletic activities, chores around the house, getting quality family time, or simply getting caught up on REST…enjoy this day! Think of ONE thing you are grateful for today, and GIVE THANKS for it!
A VERY HUMBLE THANKS to everyone that sacrificed their Friday night, precious sleep in the wee hours of the night, and/or got up BEFORE the crack of dawn on Sat. to come out & show support to walk/run some serious laps with me & the Dailey Fitness team at Relay for Life! WOW! Our team logged 704 laps…the equivalence of 176 MILES!!! (That’s just over 6.5 marathons!!!) WOW! I truly enjoyed the heart felt conversations we had around the track, hearing your reasons for being there, and the overall feeling of camaraderie from start to finish! I still have a few checks to deposit, which will put the Dailey Fitness team just over $13,000 raised for the 2013 Relay for Life! And THANKS to all of YOU who have made donations…the Dailey Fitness team currently holds the #1 fundraising position for Guilford Co. in 2013! This is what happens when good people come together to do good things…we MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
It’s time to plan for another amazing week ahead! Set new goals, plan for success, and get your mindset RIGHT! Eliminate limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, and non-productive actions. Let’s ALL strive to achieve ONE thing that feels borderline IMPOSSIBLE…and prove it POSSIBLE! I’m IN…are YOU?!
Stay tuned for lots of positive energy, motivation, helpful tips, and the “W.O.W.” word of the week! In the meantime, there are 3 Functional Fitness groups gathering for the better good of health & fitness tomorrow! Let me know if YOU are going to be one of them! Working on the 6am plan now…and taking requests!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.” ~Arthur C. Clarke

Thoughtful Thursday

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THOUGHTFUL Thursday!!!
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ~Unknown
EXTRAORDINARY doesn’t just happen…it must be created! Some level of work is involved, and likely more than your basic “ordinary” effort. To live your BEST, and to achieve the most EXTRAORDINARY possibilities…you have to go after it!
The week is ALMOST over, but there is still time to make something EXTRAORDINARY happen in your life-or someone else’s. It could be as simple as going out of your way with a random act of kindness for a stranger, taking an extra moment to ell someone how important & cherished they are, or even putting aside work to create some well deserved play in your day. Putting a little EXTRA into your ORDINARY might be the difference between a good day…and a mind-blowing, kick -A$$ day!
You are probably sick of me reminding you…but TOMORROW is May 17th! That means RELAY FOR LIFE! From 7pm  Friday until 7am on Sat…I’m hitting the track at Page High School to walk as many laps as I can for cancer. If you have time to walk even one lap…PLEASE come out for the cause! Bring a friend, bring your family! Dailey Fitness will have a tent, so stop by before you hit the track . We will have counters there for the grab so you can count your laps as you go. We’ll have a sign in sheet that you can write your name and how many laps you walked too! Be sure to log your laps if you walk any! 🙂
CLASS UPDATE! I may be pulling an all nighter, but I am still working my normal day tomorrow! That means 6am & 9:30am Fitness classes are ON! I know we’ll have a solid crew for the early class, but not so sure about the 9:30. Hit me up if you are coming to that one.
Think EXTRAORDINARY thoughts!

p.s. your Dailey thought…“Don’t wait for EXTRAORDINARY opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities, strong men make them.” ~Orison Swett Marden