Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category

Monday Dailey Mail 4/22/13

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Welcome to the new week! Are you CREATING a week filled with IMPACT, or are you reacting to the course of the day in hopes that the IMPACT will magically happen? 

The “W.O.W.” is IMPACT! Defined, it is “The power of making a strong, immediate impression -to have an effect”. Think about that for a minute, and consider your daily activities. Imagine if you did one thing just 1% BETTER today than yesterday, last week, or last month-how would that IMPACT your end results? Nutrition, exercise, communication, your rest, your work, your play…ALL have a profound & direct relationship to your results. What you put in is typically exactly what you get back. A little bit of that “AND THEN SOME” attitude now, will create bigger IMPACT later. This week, don’t wait for your IMPACT to magically appear…CREATE IT! 

The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: SKIP THE FROZEN LUNCHES! If Lean Cuisines and Healthy Choice meals are your go-to choice for a “healthy” lunch instead of eating out…think again! These are typically loaded with sodium. And while they may be be low in calories, they’re also low in nutrients (for example, refined grains may be used instead of whole grains). These frozen meals are a great example of quick convenient food that provides no bang for your nutritional buck. Plan ahead each week and make your own “healthy choice” meal with fresh ingredients that YOU prepare & know what you are getting! Make sure to include lots of fruits & veggies too! 

CLASS UPDATE: CREATE IMPACT THIS WEEK!!! Excuses won’t produce results, but ACTION will! If you have fallen behind on your classes, if you have been babysitting the same old goals, if you want to see bigger results…NOW is the time to CREATE IMPACT & let nothing stand in your way. Commit to it, make no excuses, and take action! Who’s in?! 

Yeah baby!! CREATE an EXTRAORDINARY week!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“You can’t choose your potential, but you can choose to fulfill it.” ~Theodore Roosevelt

Sunday Dailey Mail 4/21/13

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A NEW week is in front of us!
Before we dive into this new week, PLAN for it! Write out your TOP 5 list for the week. Schedule your workouts on your calendar so they don’t get pushed down on the priority list. Make your meals/snacks for tomorrow now so you can avoid the pitfalls of being unprepared. A little extra effort now will help you perform at a higher level this week!

“When you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” Let this thought drive you to push yourself out of the comfort zone this week. What area of your life are you in a plateau? Change breeds excitement! To get to a higher level at anything, we have to be willing to create the change necessary to get there! GO BIG!

The Dailey OPTIMAL HEALTH Tip: ORGANIC VEGETABLE POWDER! It’s estimated that less than 14-16% of men & women in their mid 30’s-mid 40’s actually get the RDA of 5 servings of vegetables each day. (even LESS in younger populations) That means 84-86% of you are NOT eating the minimum requirement of vegetables…and this is detrimental to your health, energy levels, and even your rest! If I’m talking about you….or someone in your family, organic vegetable powder just might be an option worth trying. Add it to orange juice for a great NATURAL energy drink, add it to pasta sauce-soups-or any dish that it might mix well with. Be sure to read the ingredient list and get powder only made from real food & does not contain any chemical additives.

CLASS UPDATE: 3 Functional Fitness classes tomorrow! Start your week STRONG with a world-class workout! If you’ve got classes to make up, or you are nearing the end of your current series…don’t procrastinate on getting to class! If you don’t use ’em…you lose ’em!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Tomorrow is GO TIME!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in” ~Greek Proverb

Thoughtful Thursday 4/18/13

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Thoughtful Thursday:
“Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds you down or polishes you up depends on you.” ~Jacob M. Braude
Profound words. Think of this as your week closes in on you and the responsibilities, challenges, & stressors may be piling up. Are you riding those realities like a wave that needs to be conquered, or are you letting those realities become excuses that prevent you from reaching your full potential? 

The Dailey HEALTH Tip: DID YOU KNOW that a major contributor to GI complaints in children is STRESS??? Children are exquisitely sensitive to stress and will manifest symptoms in response to it. Creating a home environment that is a sanctuary rather than a battlefield can go a long way towards reducing the stress of kids. If your little guy or gal complains of belly issues, and you can rule out irritants in the diet, check the stress being brought into the house. The same can be said for adults that have ongoing issues with IBS too! 

THANK YOU to everyone who sent Eric words of encouragement over this last week! He came in to work today at Sherwood (1st day back of light duty!) & he tearfully thanked me, and asked me to thank all of “my people” for being so kind to him. Words truly can heal!!! He said that it was all of the love and kindness that has helped him recover. He is still quite battered and scarred, but will make a full recovery in time to come. THANK YOU for proving that humanity is GOOD! Way to LIVE with EXCELLENCE! 

CLASS UPDATE: FUN FRIDAY is almost here! Lots of requests for POOLSIDE workouts, so as long as the thunderstorms hold off I plan to honor those requests! 🙂 Who’s up for the FUN?! 

The weekend is almost here!!!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“EXCELLENCE is not a skill, it’s an attitude>” ~Ralph Marston

Wed Dailey Mail 4/17/13

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Happy Hump Day!
How are YOU doing with your TOP 5 list this week? Are you staying on task, being productive, and giving your personal BEST to it every day? The week is not over, and you have plenty of time to make it happen! 

“The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching.” -Anson Dorrance
I love this quote! What a great testament to the fact that success doesn’t come easy, and sometimes the biggest victories happen when no one is looking. No one becomes a “champion” by simply wanting it. To become a “champion” in any aspect of your life, you must be willing to dig deep, keep after it even when you want to quit, and give it your personal best each and ever day! Let this quote inspire you with your TOP 5 list for the rest of this week!. 

The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: CAULIFLOWER MASH! If you love mashed potatoes but trying to cut the carbs and calories…substitute mashed cauliflower instead! You’ll be shocked to find they taste the same, but pack an awesome nutritional punch with no guilt! Here’s a link to an easy recipe: There are plenty of other recipes online…just give it a search! 

CLASS UPDATE: 50/50% chance we’ll be outside tonight for the 6pm Fitness class. Gonna have to see what Mother Nature delivers today. Be prepared for anything! Tomorrow, we’ve got the usual classes on tap! Please let me know if you are coming to the 6am class so I can plan accordingly! 

Unlock the door to your personal EXCELLENCE today!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.” ~Author Unknown

Tue Dailey Mail 4/16/13

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Hello Beautiful People!
I know I am not alone in my shock, sadness, & disgust about the Boston Marathon bombings yesterday. How tragic it is that so many people were killed, injured, or permanently scarred from that event. Nothing is worse than the little 8 year old angel- who’s life was innocently snatched from him as he watched his father cross the finish line. Regardless of who is at fault for this horrific crime, don’t lose your faith in humanity. For every “bad apple” speckled about our population, there are hundreds of good ones. More people run TOWARDS the destructions unveiled upon our society, in attempt to help-than will run away! More of our humanity will stand together in a time of tragedy to “attack” evil doers than will retreat, run away, & do nothing. Just look at photos from every tragic event & you will see what I am talking about. Strangers HELPING strangers! There is more good in this world than there is evil, and the good will always prevail! 

Your DAILEY CHALLENGE: The “W.O.W.” (word of the week) is EXCELLENCE! Help me prove that there is more good than evil in this world by exhibiting EXCELLENCE with random acts of kindness today! Help a stranger out of the grocery store & load their groceries into their car, buy a stranger a cup of coffee when you’re in line at Starbucks, wash the windshield of the car next to you at the gas station while you’re pumping gas, give that homeless person you pass EVERY day on the way to work a good meal! Positive energy is just as contagious as negative energy…and good stuff is always better to catch than the bad stuff! 

CLASS UPDATE: De-stress with Flex tonight, 6pm!!! We’ll be relaxing backs, adjusting shoulders, and realigning the hips & knees! There’s sure to be at least a few ecises to help what ails you! 

CREATE EXCELLENCE & share it wherever you go!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?” ~John Wooden

TAX DAY! 4/15/13

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Happy TAX Day!!!
Hopefully you were not one of the many scrambling to get your taxes submitted by today! If so, you may just need a “TAX BUSTERworkout today! Come to the 6pm functional fitness class, go for a run, bike ride, or power walk, hit the gym! Sometimes a good sweat is just what the doctor ordered to get your mindset RIGHT! 

BIG THANKS to everyone who came out to the Wine Tasting Fundraiser yesterday, donated items to our silent auction, or has made online donations to the Dailey Fitness Team! In 3 short hours we raised $4,200!!! 100% of that will go to Relay for Life/American Cancer Society to FIGHT BACK against cancer! If you missed out yesterday, we have another one coming up on May 4 from 3-6pm! I will be giving out the details on that one in time to come, but save the date! Our 6th annual will no doubt be our BEST YET! 

The “W.O.W.” is EXCELLENCE: Simply defined, EXCELLENCE is the state or quality of being exceptionally good! What aspect of your life do you feel you have already reached EXCELLENCE? Where might you seek to MOVE YOUR NEEDLE to improve your life or your business? Keep this word in mind as you make choices this week: in nutrition, in exercise, in work, at play! Do not mistaken EXCELLENCE for perfection. We can ALL achieve personal EXCELLENCE daily, but none of us will ever be “perfect”! 

The Dailey CHALLENGE: Take the “Opposite Test”:
1. Think of the strategies you’re using to achieve your goal. If it’s weight loss, maybe that means counting calories.
2. Ask yourself, “How’s that working?” Are your daily choices giving you the results you want? We call this outcome-based decision making. Maybe counting calories has only brought anxiety, instead of weight loss.
3. Do the opposite. Maybe this means focusing on natural, whole foods, instead of counting calories, for example.
4. Repeat this outcome-based decision making until you’re seeing progress toward your goal.

CLASS UPDATE: 6pm tonight, we’re rocking an INDOOR functional fitness workout! Get the STRESS out! Tuesday, we have 2 morning fitness classes (6 & 9:30) followed by a 6pm flex! Give me a quick shout out if you are coming! 

CREATE a great week!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen, others make it happen” ~Michael Jordan

Sunday Dailey Mail 4/14/13

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Happy Sunday FUNday!
I hope you are soaking up this fabulous day today! Whether you get outside to be productive, to PLAY, or just to relax..GET OUTSIDE today! 

If you are in Greensboro, today is the Dailey Fitness/1618 Wine Lounge Relay for Life Fundraiser! Check out the attached flyer, and please stop by today for some fun & FIGHT CANCER with us! We’ll have LIVE MUSIC with the Windy Hill Trio! There’s a HUGE silent auction with all kinds of great treasures….and of course the wine and food will be AMAZING! If cancer has touched your life in any way, this event is a wonderful way to FIGHT BACK & help us CRUSH CANCER! 

As we prepare for another week ahead, I encourage you to set a new TOP 5 list for the week! Let’s get FOCUSED on what’s most important in order for you to reach success! It’s easy to get distracted & overwhelmed when life comes at you. Having a “plan” & knowing what you want your end result to be BEFORE you get started can help guide you through the obstacles you are sure to face. 

The Dailey COLON HEALTH Tip: Those with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or active colitis symptoms should only eat warm, cooked foods. Raw and cold foods should be avoided until symptoms are well under control. 

CLASS UPDATE: GAME ON TOMORROW!!! We have 3 Functional Fitness classes: 6am, 9:30am, & 6pm! It’s a great way to jumpstart your week! Let me know who’s coming, especially @ 6am since I have to get there early enough to pull out enough tricks from my “Clown Closet”! The more the merrier! 

ENJOY this gift of a day!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose” ~Viktor E. Frankl

Thoughtful Thursday 4/11/13

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“Focus on accomplishment, not activity. What you do isn’t as important as what you get done.”
This goes hand in hand with our “W.O.W.”- INTEND. Just as the greatest INTENTIONS are only as good as the action behind them, the same can be said about quality of the actions we implement. Use your time wisely, stay focused on your INTENTIONS, and earn bragging rights with your accomplishments! 

Help me spread some love & positive IMPACT! There was a terrible accident here in Greensboro on Tuesday involving one of Sherwood’s cherished employees, Eric Smith. (For those of you not in my classes, Sherwood Swim & Racquet Club is where the magic happens!) Eric is the one who keeps the tennis courts in tip-top shape, takes care of all maintenance/repairs…AND THEN SOME! If you haven’t heard, he was in a hit & run accident & pretty badly hurt. He was riding his scooter home from Sherwood and a car hit him, drug him down the road (still on his bike), then got out to detach his scooter from their bumper-only to get back in their car and leave him lying in the road. He’ll be out of work for quite some time. You do not have to know Eric to feel remorse for his situation. I can’t think of anything more healing than for our community to reach out and share positive energy with him. Please consider taking a moment to send him a good wishes on his recovery, and to let him know he is important. 1607 Twain Rd. Greensboro NC 27405. How cool would it be if he received notes of encouragement from Greensboro, Raleigh, Charlotte, Wilmington, Oregon, California, Massachusetts…possibly from complete strangers, wherever you are reading this email from?! 

CLASS UPDATE: In a short bit, Flex kicks off at 6pm! Certainly a calming way to end a busy day! Hope to see you there! Tomorrow am…Functional Fitness at 6am & 9:30am! Who’s going to end the week STRONG with me? 



Wed Dailey Mail 4/10/13

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WooHoo for Wednesday!
And boy is it off to a great start! Stick your face outside to soak up a moment of sunshine & fresh air before the rain moves in! FEED YOUR SOUL! 

Your “W.O.W.” to keep you focused this week in INTENTION! Live each day with INTENTION…followed up with ACTION! My INTENTION each and every day is to leave a positive impact on every person I come into contact with. It won’t just automatically happen, the only way I will get results is to put action & effort behind my best INTENTIONS. Think of your INTENTIONS for today. What action & effort can you put forward to LIVE your INTENTION? GO FOR IT! 

The Dailey HEALTH Tip: CHECK YOUR SKIN! The health of the skin is tied to the health of the gut (intestines). Often, the condition of the skin can be a reflection of what is going on internally. Rashes, acne – even psoriasis and roseacea have roots in the gastrointestinal system. Treating from the outside-in may not be your best approach to healthy skin. What you put into your body has a direct impact on what you see on the outside of the body! Check out this interesting blog post by a local holistic Dr. & internal specialist: 

CLASS UPDATE: We’re taking class OUTSIDE tonight! Take your allergy meds & bring a BIG water bottle/sweat towel! It’s TOO NICE to stay inside! If we aren’t in the parking lot, we’ll be POOLSIDE for something invigorating! Tomorrow…6am & 9:30am Fitness, followed by 6pm Flex! Give me a head’s up if you’re coming! 

Happy Hump Day! Make it the BEST day of the week!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“The smallest deed is better than the greatest INTENTION.” ~Author Unknown