Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category

Journaling = your greatest workout tool!

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Happy Friday!

It’s the end of the week, and I hope you have some CELEBREATING to do! I want to know WHO reached a new goal, or better yet…CRUSHED one that they RE-COMMITTED to this week!


The Dailey SUCCESS Tip: JORUNAL!!! A journal is one of your greatest workout tools. Writing in a journal creates awareness and clarity, builds connections, and reinforces ideas. It can help you channel your thoughts and hold you accountable. Writing about a feeling or a goal is far more powerful than thinking or talking about it. My challenge for you is to write in a journal for 10 minutes a day, and just wait for the results.


CLASS MEMBERS…check the online schedule for changes to the week of July 4th! There will be no classes on July 4th or 5th…but I did ADD 6am & 7:30am classes on Wed July 3! Hopefully this will keep my regulars from missing a much needed workout that week! Go ahead & sign up now! –under “schedules”.


Have a blessed weekend, and feed your soul a bit of what it needs! Rejuvenation? Rest? Recover? Social connection? Quality family time, or alone time?

Make the time to create the balance you need for total health & wellness!


…Your Dailey thought…

Good for the body is the work of the body, good for the soul the work of the soul, and good for either the work of the other.”  ~Henry David Thoreau


Benefits of eating WATERMELON!

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It’s WEDNESDAY! The half way point of the week!

Whether you are focusing on your RE-COMMITMENT to an old goal, or chasing a new one…STAY FOCUSED! STAY DETERMINED! Keep your mindset RIGHT! YOU are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to…so GO BIG today & don’t let excuses litter your path!


The Dailey HEALTH Tip: EAT WATERMELON! This is definitely a fruit that is iconic for summertime fun! Did you know is it PACKED with health benefits? Turns out this sweet treat is an excellent source of Vit A (which supports eye health), Vit C for the immune system, Vit B6 for brain function, lycopene to protect skin from sun damage, potassium to help lower high blood pressure, & the amino acids citrulline & arginine that promote healthy heart function! Skip the fatty cookies & pies for dessert at your next picnic & eat some WATERMELON for a sweet & healthy treat!


6pm Functional Fitness class TONIGHT! If you don’t like the bigger classes, consider jumping into this one! With several regulars on vacation this week, it’s sure to be an intimate class! Great for getting lots of extra attention & assistance! Tomorrow…6am & 9:30am fitness, 6pm flex! Just a reminder since the new summer schedule started last week!


CREATE your BEST day today!


Your Dailey thought…

“You are an essential part of all of life. Discover and delight in how very much you matter by using your time and energy to make life better.” ~Ralph Marston

Onions for Digestive Health!

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Happy Monday everyone!

A new week has begun, and I am so pumped to have already heard that some folks are RE-COMMITTING to themselves this week! That’s the spirit! Keep sharing YOUR commitments & RE-COMMITMENTS with me! I will do my best to help you succeed! Half of the battle is just owning the commitment, and by telling at least one person that can hold you accountable…your chances of succeeding go up by about 50%!


The Dailey HEALTH Tip: EAT ONIONS! Did you know that onions are a digestive “super star”? For those that like them (& tolerate them), they are loaded with quercetin-which is an anti-inflammatory bioflavonoid. The slippery quality onions have are great for the GI tract & even exert mild antimicrobial/anti-allergy effects.  Onions can bump up the flavor of just about any dish, & cooking them makes them easier to digest! What’s YOUR favorite way to prepare them?


CLASS UPDATE: CONGRATS to everyone who has been going online and rsvp’ing for the classes from the site! AWESOME!!! It’s SO COOL to be able to see who’s coming BEFORE the class! Great to help me prepare the class for the right number, AND give yourself a bit more accountability to show up! I hope to get everyone on board with it over the next few weeks!

*Don’t forget…I’m having to lock the door at the start of every class now-per Sherwood’s request. If you show up late, ring the doorbell OR go around to the pool entrance and come in the back way if the gate is unlocked.


CREATE a GREAT week folks! Remember, this is YOUR week to shine! RE-COMMIT to one thing that will set this week apart from the rest!


Your Dailey thought…

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” ~Art Turock



Do you have YIN & YANG in your life?

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The WEEKEND is almost HERE!

Crazy day here in the triad! Hope you all survived the crazy storm this afternoon, and have POWER! Lots of outages in Greensboro, including my house…hence the late email! We also had no power at Sherwood this evening, but still had a great FLEX class despite mother nature! GAME ON for the 6am & 7:30am classes on Friday morning. Power should be back, but if it’s not we’ll sweat it out anyway for FUN FRIDAY!!


IMPORTANT CLASS UPDATE! Due to some problems with unnecessary through traffic going through the upstairs at Sherwood, I have been asked to LOCK the doors once my classes begin. (ALL CLASSES!) If you are usually early to class, this will not affect you…however those of you that tend to show up 5 minutes or later to class will be! There is a doorbell to the right of the door in case you get locked out. Please note that once class begins, hearing the doorbell will be difficult. Best bet…get to class on time!


The Dailey HEALTH & WELLNESS Tip: Find your YIN AND YANG! Yang energy is energy that is vibrant and powerful. Yin is gentle energy that helps drive serenity, peace, and balance in your life. We need them both and you must include yin workouts (FLEX, yoga, Pilates, etc.) with yang-type (FUNCTIONAL FITNESS) workouts. If you need more “yin” in your life, slow down and MAKE IT HAPPEN! A balanced exercise program delivers the best results with the least amount of injury & pain!


Hope you have a fantastic weekend CELEBTRATING the DAD’s in your life!

Happy Father’s Day weekend!


…your Dailey thought…

I couldn’t wait for success, so I went ahead without it.” – Jonathan Winters


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Holy RAIN! I’m turning into a prune over here! When can we go back out to play???
If you need an outlet from monotony tonight…come check out the 6pm Functional Fitness workout tonight @ Sherwood! I’ve got some fun toys out that will make you FORGET about the rain! 🙂
BEAR WITH ME! I am in the process of converting to a new laptop AND attempting to cut the umbilical cord from MS Outlook & switch to the cloud based Google Apps for my email/contact list/calendar/etc. If you know me, you KNOW I suck at technology…and I am overwhelmed with the transfer. There is a good chance that a few emails could get lost in the process, or that I may have some time that I am unable to reach out to my Dailey Mailer’s. If you feel you aren’t hearing from me promptly enough, please CALL ME or TEXT ME! Hoping to have this all up to date and resolved before the weekend!
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: EAT MINT! Did you know that fresh mint has some great health benefits (far beyond being a fun ingredient in a mojito!)?? Mint soothes the digestive tract, eliminates toxins from the body, reduces growth of bacteria and fungus, helps in curing asthma, whitens teeth and combats bad breath, cures insect bites & stings, prevents skin/lung/&colon cancer, relieves aches & pains, and is a blood cleanser! Mint is super easy to grow & best kept in containers to keep it from spreading like wildfire in your flower garden. Grow your own to put in teas & add to fresh dishes!
Attached is the NEW class schedule that you can print or save to your computer! JUST ADDED: 7:30am functional fitness class tomorrow will replace the 9:30am! Hope to rally a few new troops to this time slot! (Let me know if you can’t open it!) Don’t forget to go to my website to access the class schedule there AND sign up online!!!
SPLISH Splash!!!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“You can’t choose your potential but you can choose to fulfill it.” – Theodore Roosevelt


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Happy SUNNY Sunday!
It sure is good to see the sunshine again! Hope you are taking full advantage of the summer day & getting outside to PLAY!
It’s that time again! A NEW week is kicking off tomorrow, and that means a NEW opportunity to CREATE GREATNESS! Set that TOP 5 list for the week. PLAN for success! WHAT are you most wanting to achieve this week, and HOW are you going to do it?
The NEW Dailey Fitness website is up! I’m still working out some glitches, but you can check it out:  There is a great new feature that I am implementing, “ONLINE CLASS SIGN UP”! I am encouraging my class members to go to my website NOW to access “SCHEDULES”, and create a login account on Mindbody. From there, you are able to see the class schedule AND click on your class(es) of choice to go ahead and sign up for the ones you plan to attend. You can do this daily, weekly, or even monthly! It’s a great way to PLAN your workouts, especially around vacations…and it helps me know how many are attending from one class to the next. If you have any questions, let me know!
If you are a Sherwood member…come check out the Dailey Fitness “FITNESS CHALLENGE” today from 4-6pm! Sherwood is hosting the annual New Member party, and I will be upstairs showing the new folks about the FUN we create with the Functional Fitness workouts with a drop-in fitness challenge. We’ll have some fun toys out and see if the newcomers can complete multiple challenges set up around the room for a chance to win some FREE classes! It sure would be cool to have some of my veterans in there showing them how it’s done! Stop by to at least say “Hi” if you are in the neighborhood!
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” –Winston Churchill
GIVE your BEST this week! For when we give our best at anything, we can rest with no regrets. Your BEST…IS ENOUGH!

SO many uses for Olive Oil!

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Tropical Depression Thursday!
Put on your rain suits & goulashes folks…this rain is not going ANYWHERE soon! It’s days like this you have to bring your own SUNSHINE!
The Dailey Health Tip: DID YOU KNOW that there are MULTIPLE uses for olive oil? From aiding with digestion/weight loss, conditioning leather, use as furniture polish, helping various skin conditions, lowers cholesterol, preventing hairballs in cats, salad dressing, shaving cream, to sunburn relief, AND MORE! Make sure you use the ‘cooking’ olive oil for the household uses and not the nicer drizzling oil. The lighter the Oil, the higher the smoking point. A deep green oil is perfect for raw situations like salads and veggies or poured over freshly made green soup with a dash of cayenne!
FUNCTIONAL FLEX TONIGHT @ 6pm! Whether you are a class regular, or maybe you’ve NEVER tried a Dailey Fitness class YET… a rainy day is the PERFECT kind of weather to slow it down & bring balance to your health & wellness program! In fact if you are one who has NOT ever been to Flex, I want to give you a gift…come tonight absolutely FREE! You’ve got nothing to lose, and I bet you even sleep better tonight too!
Tomorrow is FUN Friday! The weekend is almost HERE!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“A lion does not lose sleep over the opinions of a sheep” ~Author Unknown

CILANTRO…love it or hate it?!

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Happy Hump Day!
I hope you are creating a week full of CONFIDENCE! Remember that CONFIDENT PERFORMERS take control rather than being at the mercy of FEAR or FATE! ACTING CONFIDENT helps develop an ATTITUDE of CONFIDENCE! Get your mind RIGHT and finish this week STRONG!
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: CILANTRO!!! Although cilantro has been cited as being effective for heavy metal cleansing, and has tremendous health benefits due to containing antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins & dietary fiber…not everyone loves this little herb equally! Did you know that whether you love it or hate it might be a genetic assignment rather than a chosen one? Check out this link:
Do you love it…or hate it?!?!
CLASS UPDATE: Still no confirmation on the 7:30 class addition…so sit tight folks! As soon as I hear it is a “GO”, you will know! Otherwise, current class schedule is still running strong!
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS tonight at 6:00pm! Who’s going to kick up the CONFIDENCE & push to a new level with me today???


p.s. your Dailey thought…
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” -William James


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Happy Sunday FUNday!
“Great moments are born from great opportunities.” – Herb Brooks
Keep these words in mind as you charge forward into the week ahead! Every day we are faced with countless opportunities, many of which slip through our fingers because we procrastinate, hesitate, or 2nd guess ourselves. This week, seize opportunity big & small…and create YOUR great moment!
CONGRATS to the WINNERS of the Massage drawing!!! There were a select few individuals that arrived to every class ON TIME during the entire month of May! WAY TO GO PEOPLE!! To ensure the drawing was fair-the names were thrown into a bowl & my husband did the honors of drawing 3 names (1 from each class time-6am, 9:30am, & 6pm).  The following proud winners are getting a 1 hour Therapeutic Massage with massage therapist, Joey Wall! She is the “cat’s meow” when it comes to hot stone & deep tissue work! Claim your gift certificates this week!
9:30am- BEV HERING!
Write your TOP 5 list for the week, PLAN for success, & BE READY to work hard at your goals! Nothing good ever comes easy…so avoid the path of least resistance this week. CREATE GREATNESS!


p.s. your Dailey thought…

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” ~ John Wooden