Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category

Wed. Dailey Mail

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Happy HUMP Day!
We’re half way through the week, and halfway through the month too! It’s the perfect time to assess your goals for the month and determine where your efforts are on track, and where they are falling short. No one stays perfectly on target towards our goals 100% of the time. A little flexibility needs to be in the equation for those bumps in the road. The important thing is to not let the bumps in the road throw you so far off course that you just quit on the goal all together. Remember WHY you set the goal in the first place, and remember that every day is a new day to recommit to that “WHY”.
The Dailey LEG CRAMP Tip: TOMATO JUICE! At least one in five peo­ple reg­u­larly strug­gle with leg cramps. The cul­prit? More often potas­sium defi­cien­cies are to blame, which occur when this min­eral is flushed out by diuret­ics, caf­feinated bev­er­ages or heavy per­spi­ra­tion dur­ing exer­cise. But sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily and you’ll not only speed your recov­ery, you’ll reduce your risk of painful cramp flare-ups in as lit­tle as 10 days, according to researchers. (Maybe this is why Bloody Mary’s are so popular the when the brain is cramping from “the night before”!)
CLASS UPDATE: Functional Fitness tonight at 6pm! Meet in the room, but prepare to be OUTSIDE across the street at Page!!! If you are late, we’ll likely be to the right of the front entrance to the school, in the horseshoe drive-closest to the Page gym. Hustle over there so you don’t miss out!
YOU are EXTRAordinary!!!

p.s. your Dailey thought…”The difference between a goal and a dream is a deadline.” ~Steve Smith

Tue Dailey Mail

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Hello Beautiful People!
Step outside for a minute! Grab a breath or two of FRESH air! No matter how stressful your day/week might be becoming…close your eyes and think of ONE thing you are thankful for today! Hey, maybe simply having something to be able to stress about deserves some gratitude!
The Dailey CHEMICAL-FREE FRUIT/VEGGIE CLEANING Tip: Fill your CLEAN sink, bucket or bowl with water & add 1 cup of vinegar. Dump all of the fruits or veggies into the pool & let them soak for about 10 minutes. (Don’t freak out when the water looks dirty). Give them a good rinse-eat right away or store afterwards. Note: there are a few items that work best if you are planning to eat immediately such as strawberries & spinach. They might go bad faster if you pre-wash and then store.
I NEED YOU! If I have ever motivated you, inspired you to keep going, or been a positive impact on YOUR goals…please come help me with MINE! As most of you are well aware, I have been busy raising money for Relay for Life/ACS over the last few months. Well, the actual Relay for Life event is this Friday, May 17 at  Page High School. Kick off is at 7pm, and I will be out there ALL night long until the event ends at 7am on Sat morning. Yep, I’m pulling an all nighter-walking the track in FIGHT of cancer! Come walk a lap, spend an hour, or stay all night with me if you dare! It is super family friendly with LOTS of kids activities..all night long. It costs nothing to come out to walk, and I promise any time you give will be well worth it. If you want to cheer your coach on…let me know & I will give you more details!
CLASS UPDATE: The functional fitness groups freaking ROCK! Way to crush the workouts Mon/Tues! Anyone that needs to slow it down a notch to repair & rebuild, FLEX tonight at 6pm!
“W.O.W.” is EXTRAORDINARY! What EXTRA are you putting into your ORDINARY today?


p.s. your Dailey thought…“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” -Charles Bernard Shaw

Mon Dailey Mail

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Magnificent MONDAY!
I hope your week is off to a great start!
The “W.O.W.” (word of the week) is EXTRAORDINARY! Let this word fuel you to put a little EXTRA into your ORDINARY this week! It’s amazing what you can achieve if you put your mind to it. Speaking of EXTRAORDINARY, I am so proud of my dear friend Joey Motsay for setting a new world record! Let this be proof that when in harmony together- the mind & body can achieve ANYTHING!|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|featured
You’ve gotta dream BIG order to do BIG things!
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: UNCONVENTIONAL USES FOR COCONUT OIL! Did you know…that coconut oil can be used on the skin as a moisturizer and lubricant. It is safe for the most tenderest of places. It is wonderful for diaper rash, cradle cap and dry, itchy skin. It’s not just for cooking & eating! Costco currently has 54oz containers of Extra Virgin ORGANIC Coconut Oil…$15.99 (or something like that!) Get it while it’s hot!
CLASS UPDATE: I’ve been keeping tabs on who’s getting to class on time…and stoked to have more than half of group training population still in the running for the drawing at the end of the month! I’m even going to make it easier to stay in the “pot-o-names”! I’ve decided from here on out to only track who shows up early/on time…so even if you don’t have perfect attendance because you miss a class this month…you still get in the drawing for showing up to them ON TIME! Therapeutic HOT STONE, DEEP TISSUE massage…Calgon, Take YOU away!
SMILE…It’s going to be an EXTRA-ORDINARY week!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Happy Mother’s Day!

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Cheers to all of the moms out there!
Without moms, none of us would be here! I heard a great saying today…”Remember your mother, for you’ll never have another!” That got me thinking about a few of my favorite memories with my mom. Whether your mom is living or gone before us…what are 2 or 3 of your FAVORITE memories of MOM?!
A new week lies ahead! Write out your TOP 5 list for the week! Plan & pack your meals/snacks for tomorrow so you can start the week ahead of the game by avoiding the pitfalls of missing a meal or having to hit a drive through in a pinch. Set out your refillable water bottle to keep with you at all times tomorrow so you stay on track with your hydration. Preparation is the key to success!
CLASS UPDATE: 3 Functional Fitness classes on Monday! We’ll be kicking off the day STRONG with a 6am group! Who’s in???
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY-what’s left of it!
Let’s CREATE a great week!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison” ~Ann Wigmore


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BOSU trainer partner presses

BOSU trainer partner presses

With the weekend upon us, take time to RELAX & REJUVENATE the mind, body, & soul for next week! Recovery should never be an afterthought! Your strength, flexibility, & fitness performance depend on RECOVERY!

Have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget to celebrate MOM! Whether your mom is here in the physically or in spirit…HONOR her! Celebrate all of the mom’s in your life, & be sure to let them know how special they are & that every sacrifice they have ever made is SIGNIFICANT!
Happy Mother’s Day to ALL of the mom’s out there! YOU ROCK!

p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience, and the worst days give you the best lessons.”

Thur Dailey Mail!

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The weekend’s almost HERE!
Happy Thursday everyone! It’s setting up to be a fantastic day! The SUN is shining again here in Greensboro! WooHoo!
Are you living your life on “autopilot” yet finding yourself going in circles with your goals and ultimately RESULTS?
“Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow”
Folks, We can’t expect to do the same thing every day & get different results! Isn’t that the definition of insanity? Today, step out of the box and try a NEW path to guide you to your goal! Add more diversity to your nutrition; change up the exercise routine by adding an extra day or taking on a new challenge; read a book or attend a seminar that will gives you new inspiration; get the kids/family involved with a charity event within your community; slow down & focus on simply BREATHING for 10 min/day; etc.
The Dailey HEALTH Tip: Did you know…your large intestine absorbs up to 2 gallons of fluid daily! This is water and other digestive “juices”, and is a strong reminder that adequate hydration is necessary for bowel health. Remember, 1/2 of your body weight in ounces every day will keep ALL of the systems within your body functioning at optimal levels!
Tomorrow is FUN Friday! We always end the week with FUN workout challenges…so join us at 6:00 or 9:30am! The more folks that come out to PLAY, the more FUN it will be! 🙂
CREATE a great day!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“The freedom to move forward to new OPPORTUNITIES & to produce results comes from living in the present, not the past”. ~Brian Koslow

Tues. Dailey Mail 5/7/13

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“Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you, no one would believe it.” This my friends is a true OPPORTUNITY that each of us is granted every day. It costs absolutely nothing and the value is priceless. Slow down, smile more, practice daily random acts of kindness, make time to PLAY every day, waste less energy on worry & spend more on gratitude, let your personal best ALWAYS be enough!

The Dailey SNACK Tip: Steamed asparagus drizzled with olive oil, garlic powder and black pepper. Delicious warm or cold. Asparagus are rich in prebiotic fiber which help feed your beneficial bacteria. It’s loaded with nutrients. Asparagus is a very good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as chromium, a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells. It acts as a natural detoxifier, has anti-aging functions, can reduce inflammation, & has been known to prevent osteoporosis-reduce heart disease-& even prevent birth defects!

CLASS UPDATE: Don’t forget about the MASSAGE GIVEAWAY this month! In an attempt to get my classmates to class CONSISTENTLY & ON TIME, I’m giving away a free massage to a lucky winner at each of the class times (6am, 9:30am, & 6pm)! Everyone who can do this will be entered into a drawing & the winners will be announced in the 1st June Dailey Mail! You can’t win if you don’t play!

FLEX tonight at 6pm! Hope to see you there!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“OPPORTUNITIES to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.” ~Joseph Campbell

Monsoon Monday!

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Monsoon Monday!!!
Goodness it’s a soggy day here in Greensboro! Keep your chin up & your thoughts positive on days like this. In fact, it’s days like this that help you to really appreciate the perfect ones!

I stumbled across a quote this morning that really hit home: “Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you”.

Today is a great day to refocus on the commitments you have made to yourself and reassess your path to reaching them…especially with summer right around the corner. This time of year tends to be almost as hard as the holidays when it comes to staying on task with health & fitness goals. End of year school activities consume your time, vacations are in the works, life just gets hectic! Keep your commitment to your health & fitness close to you now, more than ever! Putting your health & fitness NEEDS on the back burner always has a negative outcome. 

Dailey HEALTH Tip: MILK THISTLE! If you happen to be one of the many who like to have a glass of wine each night with dinner…this one’s for YOU! Did you know that while a daily glass of wine has its health benefits, most don’t realize that 1 glass is defined as 4 ounces. Any more alcohol than 4 (4-oz) glasses per week can quickly lead to a habit that can harm your liver. Your liver cannot effectively filter toxins out of your body if it’s constantly inflamed & over-stressed. Milk thistle is a powerful herb that improves liver function by protecting it from toxins and reducing inflammation. The antioxidants in milk thistle help your liver repair and regrow. Add 30 drops of milk thistle into a glass of water each day.


The sun just popped out for a moment!
p.s. your Dailey thought…
“It’s better to be prepared for an OPPORTUNITY and not have one than to have an OPPORTUNITY and not be prepared.” ~Whitney M Young, Jr

Cinco De Mayo!!!

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Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Suck down some tacos & quesadillas, guacamole, cheese dip, & Mexican beers or margaritas today in honor of this fun holiday! Tomorrow you can sweat out all of those impurities with a BIG workout! Start your week STRONG! Whether you come to one of my classes or private training sessions, hit the gym on your own, or pound the pavement with a good run or bike ride…sweat it out tomorrow!
This week’s “W.O.W.” (word of the week) is OPPORTUNITY! “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -Thomas A. Edison. Every single day opportunities present themselves, and are missed, due to lack of willingness to do the work necessary for success. This is true with nutrition, physical activity, in relationships, with career, etc. Just stop & think for a moment about how many times you’ve chosen the path of least resistance. Yet we wonder why we can’t reach certain goals. This week, let’s ALL step up our games and seek out the OPPORTUNITIES & do the work that will CREATE GREATNESS!
BIG THANKS to everyone who came out to the fundraising event yesterday or has made donations online to support the Dailey Fitness Team in the FIGHT against cancer! Your generosity to ACS creates OPPORTUNITY for cancer victims & their caregivers, as well as hopefully one day soon finding a CURE!
CLASS UPDATE: 6am, 9:30am, & 6pm Functional Fitness on Monday…I will be there, will you?! Let’s start this week STRONG!!!

p.s. your Dailey thought…

You’d better drink LOTS of water tonight to help flush today OUT of your system!!! 😉