Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category

Bring on the WEEKEND!

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The weekend is ALMOST here!
Speaking of the weekend, if you are reading this email and you are going to be in or near Greensboro on Sat. PLEASE come show your support for Dailey Fitness at the 6th annual Relay for Life fundraiser at The Lindley Park Filling Station! (see attached flyer) Help me make a difference in this FIGHT against cancer! 100% of the money raised at this event goes to the American Cancer Society to help FIGHT BACK against cancer! I’ve collected over 60 items for our silent auction & there’s some really cool stuff in there! Drop-in or stay for the whole event. Even if you just want to enjoy a bite to eat & to listen to some great live music…this event is fun for the whole family! Kids are welcome!

The Dailey HEALTH Tip: FOOD IS MEDICINE! If you have a case of bad allergies, a sore throat or cold, or just want to boost your immune system try this recipe: 3 TBS fresh lemon juice + 1/4 cup raw honey + 2 TBS Organic Coconut Oil. Mix & eat/drink. Best to use LOCAL raw honey if you are doing this for allergies. No side effects, and extra bonus benefits from these ingredients that no OTC drugs can touch!

DARE TO BE DIFFERENT FRIDAY! May 3 is National Two Different Color Shoes Day! A day to recognize and celebrate the uniqueness and diversity of humanity. The simple and lighthearted act of purposely wearing two different colored shoes demonstrates the courage to take a risk and step outside of one’s daily or (I’m really not making this up!!!)

CLASS UPDATE: The week’s not over, and most everyone is off to a great start with the attendance challenge! Don’t forget, if you get to every class ON TIME this month, & make it to all of your classes in your series…you will be entered into the drawing to win a FREE therapeutic massage! One winner for each of the 3 class times!
FUEL Uniqueness tomorrow! Mix it up!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

May 1 !!!!

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It’s the 1st day of May!
I LOVE this time of year! As soon as we hit May, I know the summer is just around the corner! That means vacations, beach time, pool time, summer sports, and more. Plan ahead! What are your goals for yourself this summer in regards to health & fitness? Are you ready for tank tops & bathing suits? Are you physically ready for your summer activities such as water sports, races, gardening, weddings, etc? If you know you have some work to do…get after it! Make this your BEST summer ever both mentally & physically by raising the bar this month and committing to a new level with your goals. ONE MONTH…is plenty of time to completely change your game! 

The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: SOAK YOUR FLAXSEEDS! Did you know that flax seeds add important fiber to help to rid the colon of the waste build up that can be in the excess of 15 pounds?! Keeping your colon clean and healthy can help reduce your chances of getting various cancers, improve digestion & overall GI health, boost your immune system, help with hot flashes, and more! Even more, It is not necessary to soak flaxseeds either whole or ground before you use them, but soaking does have benefits. Soaking the seeds or meal softens them and creates a gelatinous substance that can be used for thickening drinks or recipes. If you prefer to have a softer seed or less grainy meal, soak the flaxseeds for 10 minutes to 1 hour, depending upon whether they are ground or whole, before using them. 

CLASS UPDATE & CHALLENGE: ATTENDANCE CHALLENGE for the month of May- I challenge everyone who attends the Functional Fitness & Flex classes to show up to ALL of your classes…ON TIME! May 1-31, I will be tracking attendance with a fine tooth comb. Anyone who attends every class in their series AND shows up ON TIME will be entered into a drawing. The first week of June I will announce the winners! Each class time (6am, 9:30am, & 6pm groups) will have 1 lucky winner who will receive grand prize of Therapeutic Massage with Joey Wall! She is fabulous, and specializes in deep tissue/hot stone work! A special treat for sure…and it’s FREE, just for showing up to your classes on time! What a DEAL! 

Attendance challenge starts TODAY! 6pm’ers…don’t be late!
FUEL UP today!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” ~Bernice Johnson Reagon

Last day of April!

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Good-bye April…HELLO May!!!
April showers bring May flowers, right? We should have a colorful May for sure! 

It’s the LAST day of the month, and I hope you are doing everything possible to end it with no regrets! As you set your sights to a new month…DREAM BIG! “All successful men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.” -Brian Tracy 

Tomorrow dream, visualize, & work hard to create success! Let your dream be the FUEL needed to reach your full potential. 

The Dailey HEALTH TIP: MIGRAINE RELIEF recipe! Fill blender with 1/2 pineapple, 3-4 kale leaves, 1 stick of celery, 1/2 of a cucumber, 1/4 of a lemon. Blend until smooth, drink, feel better! (I hear this recipe works great on a hangover as well!) Food is FUEL! 

CLASS UPDATE: AMAZING energy today with both functional fitness classes! Wow! You earned bragging rights today! Those who crave calmness, balance, and pain relief…tonight at 6pm the Flex class will provide just that! Join us! 



p.s. your Dailey thought…
“A mission can be defined as an image of a desired state that you want to get to. Once fully seen, it will inspire you to act, FUEL your imagination & determine your behavior.” ~Charles Garfield

Mon. Dailey Mail 4/29/13

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It’s the beginning of a brand new week filled with opportunities to CREATE GREATNESS! It’s a chance to start fresh with vigor & fire! As the great John Wooden says: “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?” Worry not about what you didn’t finish or succeed at last week, but do whatever necessary to be sure that you do it RIGHT this week! It’s never too late to do your personal BEST today! 

The Dailey HEALTH Tip: CAREFUL WITH THOSE HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS! They can irritate more than just your skin! For instance, did you know that Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) can be triggered by household cleaning products, shampoos and body washes that have SLS and DSS as surfactants? These compounds are used to induce colitis in mice models and are known irritants of the GI system. There are plenty of alternatives out there to these products. Try brands such as Seventh Generation and Ecover for household products, and there are a slew on shampoo and body wash alternatives as well. 

CLASS UPDATE: GREAT JOB to the Monday morning crews for arriving ON TIME today…even early! WooHoo! Way to start the week! Let’s see if my 6pm crew can keep that going today! 😉
Tomorrow is the LAST day of April! There are 3 great opportunities to end your month STRONG: 6am & 9:30am Fitness & 6pm Flex. RSVP if you think you can make one or both Fitness/Flex classes! 

Don’t forget your “W.O.W.” (word of the week) is FUEL! What have you done today to FUEL for success in mind, body, in business, personally, spiritually? Decide what area needs the most FUEL & make it happen! 

Quick! Step outside! It stopped raining for a minute! Was that the SUN?! 🙂


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“We must embrace pain and burn it as FUEL for our journey.” ~Kansi Miyazawa
Or you can FUEL your journey to living a pain-free life by addressing the underlying causes of physical pain! Schedule your Posture Therapy (aka Pain-Free) session today!

Sunday Dailey Mail 4/28/13

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It’s a soggy Sunday FUNday!
Hope you are making the most of this dreary day by getting something crossed off of your TOP 5 list…even if it’s simply to REST! 

With a new week quickly approaching, it’s time to plan for it! Write out your TOP 5 list of goals you need to reach this week! I encourage you to do this each and every week because if you do it, it WORKS! Prioritizing will help to keep you on task & focused so you don’t lose sight of your end result! If you’re setting goals that tend to reappear week after week, as they don’t get crossed off…CHANGE THEM! Set yourself up for success by giving yourself something NEW to focus on for a change! 

The “W.O.W.” is FUEL! Our minds, bodies, jobs, relationships, community, economy, our existence….ALL need FUEL. Finding the right FUEL for any aspect of your life is going to be the key to your success in that area. Pushing any aspect of your life on an empty fuel tank is a recipe for disaster. This week, prepare to perform at optimal levels by FUELING for success! FUEL your body with foods that fight disease, not fuel it. Fuel your mind or career with a book, mentor/coach, or workshop that will encourage you to try a new approach. FUEL your community by volunteering with a charity or community project. FUEL for life! 

CLASS UPDATE: MONDAY MADNESS!! We have 3 great opportunities for functional fitness…come get yours! 6am, 9:30am, & 6pm! No matter what time you come, I CHALLENGE you all to get there on time! Too many folks showing up 5 or more minutes LATE-class after class! Believe it or not, class CAN’T start without you! Have respect for your fellow class members that manage to get there early, and create the best hour possible for yourself by actually getting the full hour! NO REGRETS! 🙂 

It’s almost GO TIME! FUEL UP!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, there is a FUEL in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.”
~Johann Gottfried Von Herder


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And the Dailey Fitness team is glad to be FIGHTING it!


The Dailey Fitness team is incredibly thankful to everyone who helped make the 1618 Wine Lounge fundraising event on April 14 a SUCCESS! We raised $4,200 in 3 short hours!


If you missed out on the fun at our last event, or just need another excuse to come out and party for a good cause…the 6th Annual Lindley Park Filling Station Family Fundraiser is coming up next weekend, Sat. May 4 from 3-6:00pm! $15 door donation scores you some delicious food-special spread just for this event; live music from Chris Duncan’s “After the Math”; cold beer from Natty Greene’s; and a HUGE silent auction! Here’s a few of the items you might want to check out: Vintage Schwinn Bicycle from Recycles Bike Shop; Jewelry from Mark Holder Jeweller; Fitness & Yoga packages; Custom made Wine Barrel Top- table top Lazy Susan & wall hanging chalk board; Custom leash/collar AND fun gift basket from Yellow Dog Designs, restaurant gift certificates, coolers, and SO much more!!! Rain or shine! We have TENTS to keep us dry this year!


Our team fundraising goal is $15,000…and we have a ways to go! With your help, we can make an IMPACT on this great fight…and hopefully help more people celebrate more birthdays!


Again, BIG THANKS to everyone who has made donations, given us items to use in our silent auctions, & donated time & energy to our fundraisers! It takes a community pulling together to create this kind of impact…and my community makes me proud!


Save the date: The Relay for Life overnight event is Fri. May 17, from 7pm-7am. Help us pack the track to have the team with the MOST support & laps walked!

Peace & Health!

~Nicole Bergemann

Dailey Fitness team captain

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Thurs. Dailey Mail 4/25/13

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“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” ~John Wooden
As we put our efforts forth to create IMPACT this week, and every week…I have to ask: Are you taking the time to properly prepare for your workouts, or for any aspect of your life for that matter? Showing up & putting in 100%…AND THEN SOME is awesome, but it’s not the key to reaching your full potential. In regards to total health, getting a great workout is only a fraction of the formula. We must prepare by fueling well, staying hydrated, getting enough rest, getting proper warm-ups/cool-downs with each workout, and definitely spending time on daily flexibility and fascia work. One without the other keeps the body in a state of imbalance. One without the other can lead to break downs within the body that lead to fatigue, stress, pain, & injury. 

If you are not seeing the results you want, take a good look at the big picture. Are you failing to prepare…or preparing to fail? 

CLASS UPDATE: Flex class tonight at 6pm! Join us & check the flexibility work off your list for the day! FUN FRIDAY…we have 2 functional fitness classes: 6am & 9:30am! A great way to end the week. If you think you’re in, let me know! It always helps to know how much FUN to plan for! 🙂 



p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right” –Henry Ford

Hump Day Dailey Mail 4/24/13

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WOW! What a gorgeous Wednesday!
What a great day to CREATE IMPACT! Think of one goal on your TOP 5 list for this week, and give the “AND THEN SOME” effort to reaching it today! You have nothing to lose & everything to gain!

Pure noni juice, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can help fight the formation of tumors – and wrinkles. Noni and noni products build collagen and are high in antioxidants and polyphenols.
I’m super excited that my new website/blog is almost up and running! It’s been a long time coming too. I’m working on a few finishing touches, but before the week is over I will be sending you there to check it out! One great feature is going to be the “schedules” tab…which will allow everyone to pull up the current class schedule at ANY time & rsvp for the class online, as far in advance as you want to! Stay tuned for the release date! Finally, I will be able to check THAT goal off of MY list! WooHoo!

“Vision doesn’t usually come as a lightening bolt. Rather it comes as a slow crystallization of life challenges that we one day recognize as a beautiful diamond with great value to ourselves and others.”
~Dr. Michael Norwood
The same is true for reaching goals, achieving total health, and evolving into the best version of yourself possible. They all take time! In order to get lasting results at anything, you must be consistent, patient, and be willing to work through the plateaus. When life gets busy/stressful, it’s a lot easier to just quit or tell yourself that you’ll give yourself a “break” and try again another day/week/month. But the reality is that when you do that, you are highly unlikely to ever make it happen. Folks, STAY FOCUSED! Be HONEST with yourself! You owe it to yourself to see your vision through!

Impact baby, IMPACT!


p.s. your Dailey thought…
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

Tues Dailey Mail 4/23/13

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Happy Tuesday!
The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, & green is everywhere! Thank GOODNESS for SPRING! Stick your head outside for a moment to soak up a few moments of precious Vitamin D!

The “W.O.W.” is IMPACT!
Your choices today have a direct IMPACT on the results you will see and feel tomorrow. Live in the moment, but , but make choices that will create a better tomorrow!

The Dailey DIGESTION TRACT Fact/Tip:
Signs and symptoms of gluten sensitivity extend outside of the digestive system and can be seen in hormonal, neurological, and immune systems along with manifestations seen on the skin. Fatigue, depression and anxiety, thyroid problems, headaches, memory issues, and frequent colds can all be a sign of gluten sensitivity. Here is a great blog post with more details about this topic (& other GI tract issues) that can shed more light on this! Jillian Teta is a local holistic Dr. that specializes in digestion & gastrointestinal health.

CLASS UPDATE: Flex tonight at 6pm!
Got an achy back, sore knees, tender feet??? Take the time to slow down and address the underlying causes! Flex will give you a bit of needed insight and maybe a few “golden nuggets” that you can do at home DAILY to help resolve the problem. Tomorrow, 6pm Fitness! After last night’s & this morning’s classes…I can’t WAIT to facilitate IMPACT with a world-class total body workout! Who’s in?!



p.s. your Dailey thought…
“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint’, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” ~Vincent van Gogh