Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category

Don’t “Major in the Minors”!

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Don’t get STUCK on the HUMP!

All too often in regards to Health and Fitness, people “Major in the Minor things.” No one finds it tough to understand 8 hours of sleep, a few days a week of exercise and a good diet is WHAT to do. The tough part is DOING what you know. Before you worry about the next great “silver bullet” or “quick-fix”- as I like to refer to them… make sure you are getting the basics right first. Remember, that ignoring any ONE of the basics can throw everything out of balance. It doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective! Hope this puts things back into PERSPECTIVE so you can get OVER the hump this week!


“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” –Vince Lombardi

The same is true of your commitment to Health & Fitness…you get out of it exactly what you put into it! Want more…you’ve gotta DO MORE!



Organic Shopping Tips!

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“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain

Great words to remember when you’re having trouble leaving the comfort zone! What’s holding you back from achieving your BEST at anything?  Remember the “W.O.W.” = PERSPECTIVE…and be willing to throw off the bowlines. ANYTHING is possible!


The Dailey ORGANIC SHOPPING Tip: Eating organic isn’t ALWAYS more expensive! This topic has come up a lot lately…and worth opening up for discussion! Food Babe gives some great tips in this article. I have also become quite aware of WHERE certain products can be purchased at the BEST prices. Believe it or not, locally at Earthfare I save A LOT of money buying organic with their daily email & text coupons. They also have the ”tomato bank” where you earn points for shopping-which are cashed in for REAL $$$ when you earn enough! Either way, pay more NOW for healthy & clean foods that preserve your health, or pay later with poor health, Dr. & hospital bills! Whichever makes more sense to YOU!



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“Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”

~ Napoleon Hill

Your PERSPECTIVE on these 3 P’s can make you UNSTOPPABLE! Get your mind RIGHT this week & do something every day to fuel your fire to succeed! A little effort every day goes a long way!


The Dailey GEAR Tip: Check out this event!!! THIS Thursday-Saturday! Team Connection is a local biz that prints team jerseys, logos, and all sorts of marketing gear. Each quarter they have a “warehouse sale” to get rid of extra inventory…which is a huge score for anyone looking for new workout gear. They always have a ton of tennis apparel, & carry some big name brands such as Under Armor, Nike, Adidas, Puma, just to name a few…up to 75% off retail value. I have scored BIG at these sales in the past! It’s worth it if you have the time to go!


SUGAR CHECK! Want to move your needle in the right direction this week? Cut out any and ALL refined sugar from your diet. No high fructose corn syrup, or other man-made sweeteners. Read your labels & your best bet is to eat foods that don’t have an ingredient list!


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“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got! You will never get out from under your problems if you never take on things that are over your head.” ~Martin Rooney


The “W.O.W.” = PERSPECTIVE! This word is KEY to whether you have success or failure in life. What you perceive to be true…is your truth. Your PERSPECTIVE is your belief.  Want to change your outcome this week??? Change your PERSPECTIVE. ATTACK your goals from a different angle, with a new mindset. There are no limits to what you can achieve!


Studio News: The word is OUT! There is a “baby warrior” on the way!! BIG CONGRATS to our fearless Coach Katie!! WooHoo! Even more reason for you to sign up for her 6am class tomorrow…to congratulate her in person (if you haven’t already!) ***don’t forget deadline to rsvp for 6am Mon is 9:30pm tonight! It’s time to plan for the week! Here’s the weekly lineup for classes:

  • Monday-Metabolic Circuit
  • Tuesday-Body in Balance (movement patterns)
  • Wednesday-Strength & Conditioning
  • Thursday-Hurricanes!
  • Friday-Strength & Conditioning
  • Saturday-“Dealer’s Choice”

Of course the Tues/Thurs 6pm is ALWAYS Functional Flex!


Let’s CREATE the best week ever!

Friday Nite PIZZA recipe!

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Hip Hip HOORAY for Friday!

Hope you have had a week packed with ACTION & great success! Celebrate your victories this weekend. Plan for more victories again next week & make them happen! ACTIONS have consequences…but don’t forget that INACTIONS have even more!


The Dailey RECIPE: PIZZA!!!! It’s Friday night, and one of my favorite weekend meals is PIZZA! Check out this awesomely easy & healthy recipe to have a guilt-free splurge tonight!


Katie’s got an AWESOME workout planned out for the 10 am class…TABATAS! She’s also got some HUGE news to share with everyone, so if you weren’t in the Thursday 6am class to catch the first announcement, you’ll definitely want to come tomorrow! Sign up TONIGHT so she knows how many to plan for!


“You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.” ~Michael Jordan

Plan…. And Take ACTION!


Have a great weekend!

Control your mindset-control your outcome!

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Thoughtful Thursday…

As a man was walking and passed some elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages.  It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” the trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them.  As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.
How many times have you avoided doing something because you’ve failed at it before? Because you fail at something or have a certain outcome at one point doesn’t mean you will consistently have that same outcome.

It comes down to your mindset.
Improve a little bit each day and never settle for the same outcome.
Your mindset is a constant, outcomes are not.


GET YOUR MIND RIGHT! It dictates your destiny!

Thoughts provoke ACTION!

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The “W.O.W. = ACTION! You want to get STRONGER? It starts with how you THINK! Think strong…and take ACTION!

“Instead of thinking a problem is too tough, think about how to solve it.
Instead of thinking you are not good enough, think about how to be better.
Instead of thinking your situation is bad, think about how to improve it.
Instead of thinking you don’t know enough, think about how to find out.
Instead of thinking you are out of shape, think about how to fix it.

In the end, your success (or lack thereof) will be a product of how you think.”

~Martin Rooney


The Dailey SMOOTHIE Recipe: TROPICAL COCONUT! This tasty treat is a great refresher on a hot summer day and can gain even more bang for the buck with a scoop of protein powder! Give yourself & your kids THIS for a treat on a hot summer day!

1 & ½ cup coconut water

2 cups frozen pineapple chunks

2 medium bananas

2 cups Orange Juice (fresh squeezed-not from container!)

Blend & Serve!!!!


CREATE your best week ever!

Thw “W.O.W.” = ACTION!!!

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Happy Sunday FUNday!

Hope you had a safe and FUN 4th of July weekend, celebrating your INDEPENDENCE!


“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” –Dale Carnegie


The “W.O.W.” =  ACTION! Excuses won’t produce results…but ACTION will! This week, keep this word in the forefront of your mind. Be willing to do something different than you did last week in order to BE MORE this week!  After all, doing what you’ve always done will only get you what you’ve always gotten!


Studio News: FULL WEEK of motivation, education, and inspiration ahead! Commit to your workouts this week by signing up online NOW! Remember the “W.O.W.” is ACTION…own yours!



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“If it doesn’t scare you…it’s not a big enough dream.” ~Kristine K. Stevens

DREAM BIGGER…and use PERSISTENCE to make it happen! I don’t know about you, but I have a couple of hefty dreams brewing right now. What about YOU?! Are you playing it safe and sticking to the dreams and goals you know you can’t fail at…or are you putting yourself out there and taking a risk? You never know what you are capable of unless you leave the comfort zone and TRY!


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: I always buy organic when possible, but some foods are cleaner than others without buying organic. (Keep in mind that non-organic may mean GMO though!) Here’s a list to help you out!

DIRTY DOZEN (buy these organic!)

  • Celery  * Peaches * Strawberries * Apples * Blueberries * nectarines * bell peppers * spinach * cherries * Kale & collards * potatoes * grapes

CLEAN 15 (may be GMO, but less pesticides)

  • Onions * Avocado * sweet corn * pineapple * mangoes * sweet peas * asparagus * kiwi * cabbage * eggplant * cantaloupe * watermelon * grapefruit * sweet potato * Honeydew melon


STUDIO NEWS: Don’t forget the 9:30am class has been changed to 9:00am on Thursday 7/3!!! We also have ONE class on July 4 @ 9:30! Join Katie for the “Freedom” workout (because you are FREE to move!) No Saturday classes this week!