Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category


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Anything I’ve accomplished in life required a clear vision, RELENTLESS passion and complete dedication.” ~Author Unknown


The “W.O.W.” = RELENTLESS!!! This is what you have to be when you want something like it’s your JOB! Being RELENTLESS mean not backing down. Being RELENTLESS means doing whatever it takes to finish. It’s a lot easier to quit when it comes to reaching your personal best, in fact…most folks do exactly that…QUIT. The sad part is that they usually quit just before something really amazing happens. Don’t let this happen to you. Be RELENTLESS when it comes to your health, fitness, & LIVING your best. No Regrets!


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: Get CALCIUM! It is incredibly easy to get your daily calcium requirements met from food alone, although it never hurts to get a calcium supplement if you are over the age of 50.  You might even be surprised that some of the BEST sources are not from dairy! In fact, non-dairy based calcium is more easily absorbed. Calcium is crucial to bone mass maintenance in adults, and teeth & bone formation in kids. Here are some non-dairy sources you may/may not know are high in calcium: Fish, seafood, beans, spinach, oatmeal…and many other dark green & leafy veggies too!


Happy Monday folks!


Are you going to be RELENTLESS?!?!

BALANCE your life!!!

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“Live by the mantra “1% Better Every day.” While it often takes 10,000 hours or 10 years to be recognized as an expert in something, you certainly can focus on daily improvement to enhance the quality of your life.” —Todd Durkin


If you were in one of the “Balanced Body in Motion” classes today, you heard the great story about BALANCE in life, and measuring success. Less is often MORE! I had a few requests to share the story, so I am passing along to YOU too!  Check out the story here, and think about finding BALANCE in your life today:


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: Do you know how NUTRIENT DENSE your herbs are? Found this great atricle rating the top 10 most nutritional herbs. If you like to add fresh herbs to your salads, dishes, & smoothies…be sure to make sure these make the cut:


Today is the day….

CREATE CHANGE! Don’t wait for it!

Get this AWESOME APP!!!

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“We can curse the darkness or we can light a candle. And our world needs more light. Shine. Today.” 
Robin Sharma


The “W.O.W.” (word of the week) = CHANGE! What are you doing TODAY to create CHANGE around you? Start by thinking about the new habits you need to develop to get better results. Before you take on a new habit…first look at & get rid of one of the bad habits from last week that might still be holding you back! Change is inevitable, so CHOOSE CHANGE before it chooses you!


The Dailey WATER Tip: GET the “Water Your Body” App!!!! I LOVE IT! Once downloaded & your body weight entered, you can edit the amount of ounces to reflect what you need to consume on a daily basis. (& yes, you will need to edit this as their formula tells you much less than you need!). Every hour (or less) you will be alerted to DRINK WATER! The alert is the sound of water being poured into a glass! You can enter in the amount of ounces you drink at any time-even when the app has not yet alerted you to do so. Need help downloading or editing the amount of “extra” ounces you need to log in the app to track…just ask! Now you can really know how much water you are consuming daily! Maybe THIS is the habit you need to CHANGE to feel & live your best?!?!


TOMORROW! Free Running Clinic! Pack your lunch & bring it to the studio & LEARN on your lunch break!!! You don’t have to run…just listen! (There will be a demo gait analysis to enhance your experience!) This 30-45 minute clinic will be the perfect time to ask questions & GET ANSWERS to all of your running concerns! Please tell a friend or coworker…and just let me know if you think you can make it!



The “W.O.W.” = CHANGE!

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“Most of us are anxious to improve our circumstances but unwilling to improve ourselves” 
–James Allen


Happy Sunday WARRIORS!

The “W.O.W.” = CHANGE! The world is in a constant state of CHANGE, the same goes for our bodies! If we can’t physically avoid CHANGE…then why should we limit ourselves mentally? This week, CHANGE your mindset! Eliminate a limiting belief system. Want bigger results, try CHANGING your approach with diet + exercise. Take on a goal BIGGER than you’ve ever thought possible. CHOOSE CHANGE, before it chooses you!


*** FREE RUNNING CLINIC this Tuesday, 9/23 @ 12pm! Valuable information for those thinking about running their first mile, or taking on a marathon! Peter Barusic is going to give us some great tips, and even give gait analysis for those interested! This clinic is open to everyone, so bring a friend! Please let me know if you plan to attend!


In the studio this week:

Mon-Total Body Strength & Conditioning

Tue-Body in Balance (featuring the Patch!)


Thur-Speed Strength (full body weight movements)

Fri-Total Body Strength & Conditioning (with equipment!)

Sat-HURRICANE (8:30am)


CREATE a phenomenal week!

The “W.O.W.” = ATTITUDE!!!!

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Hey Thursday Warriors!

Our “W.O.W.” = ATTITUDE! All week I have been talking about this word & the IMPACT that your attitude has on your decisions. Positive thoughts lead to positive ACTIONS. Your ATTIUDE is your mindset…and it can push you forward or it can hold you back! Goal setting is about making decisions…and reaching them is not about luck or chance, it’s about hard work & determination! Use the “AND THEN SOME” ATTITUDE with your goals & do WHATEVER IT TAKES to stay focused!


Still drinking soft drinks?? There have been multiple conversations around the studio this week about sodas/diet sodas & arguments of the good, the bad, and the ugly! Unknowingly consuming something that is bad for you = “IGNORANCE IS BLISS”. However, knowing how toxic something is for your health & consuming it anyway…that’s just “INSANE”!  Check out this great blog post from the Food Babe breaking it down about soft drinks of all kinds. Still think that soda is worth it??? By the way, you can remove RUST from metal with coke/diet coke. Imagine what it does to your insides?!?!


Next Tuesday (9/23/14) Dailey Fitness is hosting a running clinic with local PT Peter Barusic from Greensboro Physical Therapy! Take your lunch hour & bring it to the studio! 12-1:00pm (Food not provided, but you can bring your lunch with you!) This FREE clinic will be very informative for all levels of interest from beginners to seasoned distance runners. Open to everyone, so tell a friend to join you! ***Please let me know if you plan to attend so I can give Peter a head count for his planning purposes. (email, phone, or text)


“Your ATTITUDE determines your ALTITUDE”!

SOAR HIGH today!

Repair, Rebuild, COME BACK STRONGER!

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9/11-proof that with every tragedy, there is opportunity to REPAIR, REBUILD, & COME BACK STRONGER!


“Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.” –Ray Kroc, Founder of McDonald’s

Ironic quote considering the source!


What’s in your EGG? If you consume eggs, check out this article: In this short post, you can access a scorecard ranking organic egg sources from best to worst. I was shocked to see some of the most popular organics on the bottom of the list! Best bet…buy LOCAL and ask questions! In fact, you can get FRESH eggs right here at Dailey Fitness from FAMILIA! She’s got 29 hens and even delivers to the studio!!! Let me know if you need the hook up!


Don’t forget…NEW Sat. class time starting this weekend! 8:30AM!!! Katie is coaching and hoping to pack the house with good energy! GREAT way to start your Saturday!


DISCIPLINE….are you DOING what you KNOW today?


Chocolate lover’s: check it out!!!

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“Physical energy and mental focus are 2 of the most precious resources we have. Make sure you do something everyday to nourish them.”


Happy HUMP Day!

We are half way through the work week, and getting BETTER every day!


The “W.O.W.” (word of the week) = DISCIPLINE! Love this blog post from Martin Rooney, founder of Training for Warriors: Hit the nail on the head with our “WOW”…and a great reminder of how impactful 15 minutes out of each day can be. We are ALL given the exact same number of hours in each day. The difference between those that GET THINGS DONE, and those that don’t: DISCIPLINE! 1% BETTER every day baby!


The Dailey SMOOTHIE Recipe: CHOCOLATE cravings anyone??? Raw Cacao Superfood Smoothie:

1 cup coconut milk

3 ice cubes

1 banana

2 tbsp raw cacao

1 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tsp chia seeds

1 tsp maca

(Throw in a scoop of your favorite protein powder for an added boost!)

BLEND & SERVE! Mmmmmm!



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“You become great by thinking great thoughts and by backing those thoughts with words, energy, emotions, and actions. Encourage yourself to leave behind negative and uphold positive, uplifting ideas with your speech. This is how your dreams will be able to manifest from the inside out.” ~Carol Tuttle

Great words to remember as you set another foot forward TOWARDS your goals and dreams today! Let no obstacle defeat you and use the power of a positive mindset to give you momentum! Surrounding yourself with other positive & like-minded people is one of the best ways to achieve your biggest goals! ACTIONS create RESULTS…so if you find yourself in a slump, skip the excuses & take IMMEDIATE ACTION to find a new path!


The Dailey RECIPE: Tropical Sun Sorbet! Trick your tastebuds into thinking you are eating a sinful delight! The picture alone is a temptation! Check out this link for a great dessert idea for a hot end of summer/early fall treat!


At the studio:***New Saturday Class time starting NEXT Sat, 9/13!By popular request & on a TRIAL basis-we are going to move the time up to 8:30am to allow busy parents the chance to get their sweat on before kid’s sports begin! Depending on how popular the new time slot really is, we just may keep it on the schedule!




Happy HUMP Day!

Happy Labor Day!

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Happy Labor Day!!!

Each year, Americans celebrate this long weekend, typically signifying the end of summer. But have you ever stopped to think about WHY Labor Day exists?

“Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”

This being said…tomorrow we go back to work! Today, celebrate your contribution to your country!


GAME ON at the studio! Vacations are over, kids are back in school, and it’s time to LABOR & get SERIOUS about goals!! With classes Tues-Sat…there is plenty of opportunity to get focused on your health & fitness this week! Here’s the class lineup so you can make your plan:

Tues-Total Body Strength

Wed-HURRICANES (additional 6am class!)

Thurs-Body in Balance (Patch?!?!)

Fri-Total Body Strength

Sat-Fit & Flex!

*Tue/Thur 6pm always Flex

**Must have 4 signed up to secure all classes


“Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.” ~Anthony Robbins