Archive for the ‘Feeling Great’ Category

Life is full of CHOICES!

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“You can’t choose your potential, but you can choose to fulfill it.”
–Teddy Roosevelt


Another week has come & gone! With Labor Day weekend ahead of us, this quote hits the nail on the head! The only way to get BETTER, and to live your BEST is to put in a little hard WORK! You can’t just talk about it…you must WORK at it! We are all born with incredible potential, and given the same number of hours in each day to get things done. The difference between the most successful people in the world vs. the rest of us…the choices they make throughout each day & how they choose to spend their time!


Today, you have a CHOICE! Dream about your goals…or GO AFTER THEM!


Have a fantastic & safe Labor Day weekend-filled with great choices!!!

Watch your portion sizes!!!

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Happy HUMP Day!!!

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. ~Henry Ford

Together…tomorrow…SUCCESS AWAITS YOU! There is an OFF THE HOOK metabolic class planned for the morning! With only 7 signed up for 6am and ZERO for 9:30…looks like A LOT of folks will be missing out on this one! You snooze…you lose!


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: Watch your portion sizes! It’s really easy to overeat…and at the same time it’s really easy to get you servings in! Picture this:

1 cup = a baseball; ¾ cup = a tennis ball; ½ cup = computer mouse; ¼ cup = an egg; 2 tbsp = golf ball. Use this reference when filling up your plate or making snacks. You can always pile on extra servings of fresh veggies…but if you find them hard to eat, consider how small these portions really are and know it’s not so hard to get 4-5 servings into a day!


Labor Day weekend is coming quick! Just a reminder that there is only ONE class on Friday (No 1-1 sessions). Katie is planning an awesome “Dealer’s Choice” workout @ 6am, and it will be send off to a holiday weekend! No classes on Sat or Monday-Labor Day! All classes resume as usual on Tuesday…including an additional Wed 6am class in case anyone needs to get an extra class made up!


Keep MOVIN’!!!


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“Just as your car runs smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are all in balance.” ~Brian Tracy


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: BALANCE your plate with a good form of carb, lean protein, & healthy fat at each meal/snack! The more BALANCED the meal, the more balanced the glucose (blood sugar) in the body, the more balanced the energy, performance, & recovery!!


Studio Update: Don’t forget we have added a 6am class to Wed (TOMORROW)! It’s Total Body Strength…and a great way to break the week up! Another reminder that there is not a 9am class this Friday…so you have tomorrow and Thursday to get a mid-morning workout if that’s your time!


Enjoy what’s left of this AMAZING day!!!

The “W.O.W.” = TEAM!

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“The bigger the dream, the more important the team”—Robin Sharma


The “W.O.W.” = TEAM! Sipmly defined, a TEAM is a group working together for a common goal. Want to achieve BIGGER goals, be a part of something BIGGER than yourself! One person can make an IMPACT, but a group of people can CHANGE THE WORLD! With health & fitness, career, community, & even personal development…dream BIG and surround yourself with like minded-people…a TEAM…to become unstoppable! Together Everyone Achieves More!


BIG THANKS to everyone that came out to the Funtastic workout on Saturday, and even BIGGER thanks to those that participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! I have a few donations that were collected on Sat, so if you were unable to participate and would still like to donate to the fund, I will be turning in the $ this week. Can’t wait to see how many GROUPS/TEAMS carry on the challenge from here. I posted the video to the Dailey Fitness FB page, and my personal page…so feel free to check it out AND share it! (please disregard my blooper-and calling it the ACLS challenge at one point in the video! Even the coach makes mistakes!)


Studio Update:

Here’s the week’s plan in the studio. Note the addition of 6am on Wed-in lieu of the holiday weekend ahead. Make your plan of attack for the week & put your health at the TOP of your priority list this week! Sign up for the week & make it happen!!!

Monday- Metabolic Circuit (TEAM theme!)

Tuesday-Body In Balance-PATCH

Wednesday- (6am, 9am, & 6pm!) Total Body Strength

Thursday-Metabolic-12 WARRIOR Days! (picture 12 days of Christmas theme!)

Friday- (6am only! No 9am!) DEALER’s Choice with Katie!!!

*NO SAT. Class!!

**Tue/Thur 6pm are always FLEX

***Must have 4 to keep ANY class on the schedule!


Le’ts GO TEAM! 


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The “W.O.W.” (word of the week) = OPPORTUNITY! The more you make use of the OPPORTUNITIES that are in front of you, the more OPPORTUNITIES you will make! We were all granted 24 hours today…and 168 hours this week. We ALL have the same amount of time to work with…how you spend it will greatly determine your end result.


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: Cut out ALL processed foods and sugars! (Eat from the Top 20 Food List-need a copy let me know!) Replace these foods by Increasing your fruits and vegetable to get 4-6 servings of EACH every day! This change alone will change your life! Start today!


“Opportunity is often difficult to recognize; we usually expect it to beckon us with beepers and billboards.” ~William Arthur Ward


Tomorrow is an OPPORTUNITY in the making! BE READY for it!


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“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” –Dr. Wayne Dyer


​Folks…the world is constantly changing around us, so we have to be willing to change ourselves! If you want to get to your ideal body weight, reach a fitness goal, get the promotion at work, improve your personal relationships…consider changing your approach to reaching it. Instead of looking at these goals with a sense of dread or as if they are going to be hard, look at them as OPPORTUNITY! You were GRANTED today & who knows if we will be granted tomorrow. Seize the OPPORTUNITY to to live your best today!


The “W.O.W.” = OPPORTUNITY! The best thing about a new week is the fact that it brings unlimited OPPORTUNITY to get BETTER! Every moment is an OPPORTUNITY to make a positive and lasting difference. How you embrace the OPPORTUNITIES presented to you will determine just how far you will go. This week…GO BIG!


Monday is a FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY to improve your physical and mental strength at the studio! In case you missed it last week, here’s the lineup for the week. If you are seeking change with your mind and body…maybe this is the week to change how you look at your workouts. Are you simply getting through them just to say you did it…or are you getting FROM them by giving 100%?

Monday-Total Body Strength


Wednesday-Speed Strength

Thursday-Balanced Body in Motion-THE PATCH!!!

Friday-Total Body Strength

Saturday-Metabolic Circuit

*Tue/Thur 6pm is always Flex

**Must have 4 signed up to secure the class! ​


Whether you train with us at Dailey Fitness or not…attack your health and fitness goals this week! 

It’s GO TIME!!! 


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“Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.”

Happy FRIDAY!!!

What a week! Mine was filled with it’s share of challenges & failures…but I am STRONGER from it! Hope your INVESTMENT in yourself this week can make you say the same thing! CELEBRATE your victories (big & small) from this week. Set some new goals for next week…and never stop INVESTING in yourself. Never let fear of failure keep you from moving forward, & getting BETTER!


Studio Update:

To ensure you can PLAN ahead and get signed up for next week’s classes, here’s what’s happening each day:

Monday-Total Body Strength


Wednesday-Speed Strength

Thursday-Balanced Body in Motion-THE PATCH!!!

Friday-Total Body Strength

Saturday-Metabolic Circuit

*Tue/Thur 6pm is always Flex

**Must have 4 signed up to secure the class!


WEEKEND CHALLENGE: QUIT SOMETHING!!!​ We ALL have at least one unhealthy habit holding us back from reaching our full potential. What’s yours? Make a pact THIS WEEKEND to eliminate this habit in the upcoming week! See what happens? What do you have to lose?

Have a GREAT one!

What’s in YOUR Juice???

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Happy HUMP Day!

Who’s HAPPY to see the sunshine today?! Wow! Amazing how blue skies can lift the spirit and soothe the soul! I hope you can get outside to soak it up today!


“Action may not always bring happiness…but there is no happiness without action.” –Benjamin Disraeli, former British Prime Minister


The Dailey NUTRITION Tip: AVOID STORE BOUGHT JUICE! Seems that this topic comes up often and various juices tend to be a staple in many homes for breakfast, lunch…and cocktail hour! Weight loss is usually the catalyst of every conversation around talk of these juices-with folks not understanding WHY they can’t lose the weight since the labels SAYS it’s healthy & “all natural”. Think twice before you chug your next “V8” intending to get your daily dose of vegetables! It’s anything BUT a vegetable product! Check out the article from Food Babe to help understand exactly what the food industry is claiming is healthy “juice” and how horrible they really are for your health! Best bet if you want juice is to invest in a good juicer…and make your own! Remember, consume REAL natural foods that are nutrient dense. If there is an ingredient list…it’s not “natural”!


INVEST in ACTION today!!! (6pm class tonight @ DF is “Balanced Body in Motion”…and a fantastic opportunity to focus on mental & physical coordination!)

The “Gluten-Free” PLOY!

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“It only takes 20 years to make an overnight success.” ~Eddie Cantor

It truly takes an INVESTMENT of time and resources to get anywhere worth going! The most successful people in this world will tell you that they didn’t get there by taking the path of least resistance. The best INVESTMENT is an INVESTMENT in yourself! Aren’t you worth it?


The Dailey Gluten Free Advice: “Gluten free” is mainly today a “marketing hook” to convert your sale – note the high carb/sugar content and as well the list of chemicals in many foods labeled gluten-free to leverage a trend few understand. It is not the route to fat loss. Real natural food is. By marketing what a food is absent of, chances are that is to distract you from the crap that IS in it – turn it over and read the ingredients to determine how much non-food ingredients you are being asked to eat, how much sugar, chemicals, sodium etc. Don’t be distracted by advertising lingo and fad words. Although I AM a proponent of avoiding gluten if necessary-do it for the right reasons. If you are eating REAL foods instead of packaged & processed versions…you rarely have to worry that you are consuming it!


Where will you increase your INVESTMENT in yourself today?

Trust me…you ARE worth it!